
Yán Zhēnqīnɡ
  • upright official;learned scholar;master calligrapher
  1. 代表人物是颜真卿。

    The period 's representative calligrapher was Yan Zhenqing .

  2. 颜真卿书法艺术形成,使唐楷得到长足发展。

    The formation of Yan zhenqing 's calligraphy made the regular script considerable development in Tang dynasty .

  3. 德艺双修方能练就真本事&颜真卿书品、人品的评价

    Moral and Art Really Acquired the Ability to Be the Simultaneous : Evaluation of Yan Zhen-qing 's Calligraphy and Character

  4. 颜真卿少时家贫缺纸笔,用笔醮黄土水在墙上练字。

    Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud .

  5. 颜真卿书法在清代这一书法格局大变革时期充当了重要的角色。

    Yan ` s calligraphy played an important role in the Qing dynasty , which is a period with a great revolution in the calligraphy pattern .

  6. “颜体”奠定了他在楷书千百年来不朽的地位,颜真卿是中国书法历史上极富影响力的大师之一。

    His personal style helped him reach the immortal status in the field of regular script and become one of the most influential calligraphy masters in Chinese calligraphy history .

  7. 忠义堂《裴将军诗帖》刻本与传世墨迹本俱为宋人所为,后世对其真伪争议颇多,但这一个案对于研究宋代颜真卿书法接受具有重要的意义。

    Loyalist party " General Pei Poetry " and its ink marks are all manufactured by Song Dynasty person , which authenticity and false was disputed by the later generations , but a case for its study is of great significance .