
  • 网络Yan Family Instructions;the yan family manual
  1. 《颜氏家训》的被动句研究

    Research into the passive-voiced sentences in Family Instructions of Yan Clan

  2. 《颜氏家训》与《母育学校》比较研究

    A Comparison Between Admonitions of the Yan Family and Mother School

  3. 《颜氏家训·音辞篇》的音韵学地位

    The Role of Yanshi Parental Instruction · Phonetic Chapter on Phonology

  4. 《颜氏家训》中蕴含的语文教育思想探析

    On the Educational thought in Yan 's Surname Parental Precepts

  5. 浅论《颜氏家训》蕴含的思想政治教育方法

    On the Methods for Education in Ideology and Politics Implicated in Yan Family Instructions

  6. 《颜氏家训》与《儿童教育讲座》的比较研究

    A comparison between admonitions of the Yan Family and the lecture on children 's education

  7. 自《颜氏家训》问世以来,世世刊行,对封建士大夫教育及家庭教育产生了影响深远。

    Since " Yan Instructions " published , its influence is far-reaching to later generation .

  8. 《颜氏家训》中的家庭道德教育思想及其意义

    The Concept of The Family Education in Ethics in Admonitions of Master Yan and Its Contemporary Significance

  9. 论文通过对《颜氏家训》篇卷结构与主要内容的分析介绍,提炼出融合其中的丰富的儒学思想传统。

    Based on the introduction of Yan family instructions , this paper refines the fusion of Confucianism .

  10. 结语部分探讨吸取和扬弃颜氏家训中家庭道德教育原则方法的要点及其当代意义。

    The last parts discuss the absorption and abandon of moral education discipline principle methods and contemporary significance .

  11. 我的研究结论是:《颜氏家训》中的反义词聚数量众多,使用频率高;

    My conclusion is there 're so many antonym polymerization in Yan 's Family Instructions used in a high frequency ;

  12. 前言部分,从宏观上概述《颜氏家训》一书的写作特点、基本内容、思想核心以及现代价值。

    The preface summaries the writing characteristics , basic contents , thought core and modern value of Yan family instructions .

  13. 乱世中的生命追求&论《颜氏家训》的贵生思想

    The Pursuit of Life in the Troubled Times & On the Thoughts of High Value of Life in Yan Family Instructions

  14. 实际上,《颜氏家训》虽然没有专门论述语文教育,但是却也与语文教育密切相关。

    In fact , " Yanshijiaxun " although not specifically discussed in language education , but also closely related to language education .

  15. 成书于本时期的《颜氏家训》也体现了中古汉语语法的某些发展。

    Family Instructions of Yan Clan , which was finished in middle ancient period , also reflects some development of the Chinese syntax .

  16. 本文对《颜氏家训》句法全貌的描写和数据分析希望能够为汉语语法研究提供一些参考数据与资料。

    May this thesis could provide some reference materials and information to Chinese syntax research by describing the picture of syntax and analyzing syntax data .

  17. 而从目前来看,对于《颜氏家训》中的教育思想对语文教育借鉴作用这一方面的研究还不是非常深入。

    But from the current point of view , for " Yanshijiaxun " the Chinese educational thought in this respect is not very in-depth research .

  18. 科学发展观的生态伦理之维度《颜氏家训》中的家庭道德教育思想及其意义

    On Ecological Ethnics Reflected by the Scientific Concept of Development The Concept of The Family Education in Ethics in Admonitions of Master Yan and Its Contemporary Significance

  19. 《颜氏家训》是研究魏晋南北朝时期汉语发展的一份有价值的材料。

    Family Instructions of Yan Clan is a valuable material to study the development of Chinese in the period of the Dynasties of Wei , Jin and North-and-South .

  20. 《颜氏家训》构建了自己的教育体系,同时又具有鲜明的时代针对性与家族特点,以儒家思想为主导。

    Yan Family Instructions had constructed it 's educational style , mean while , the book had Characteristics of the times and family , the Confucian thoughts is guiding in the book .

  21. 《颜氏家训》的句法多数是继承了先秦时期的发展特征,而某些类型的句子所体现出的特征,与魏晋南北朝时期的语法发展相一致。

    The syntax in Family Instructions of Yan Clan is mostly inherited the development characteristics of the pre-Qin period , and the characteristics reflected by certain types of sentences accord with the grammar development of Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  22. 颜氏家族的家族传统特点鲜明:重道德,擅文学。《颜氏家训》也反映了这一特点。

    Yan clan tradition had a distinctive feature : Attaching importance to ethics and Being good at literature , Yan Family Instructions manifested this feature .