
yánɡ ɡānɡ zhī qì
  • virility;manliness
  1. 因在《X战警》中扮演充满阳刚之气的金刚狼而举世闻名的休·杰克曼即将在其为立顿冰红茶拍摄的全球宣传广告中展示他温柔的一面。

    Hugh Jackman , the actor most famous as the testosterone - fuelled Wolverine in X-Men , is to show his softer side in a global advertising campaign for Lipton Ice Tea .

  2. 纯白色的T恤会产生一种错觉,让肩膀看起来更宽阔腰部更消瘦,产生了更好的V形身体,这是一种很强的阳刚之气的表现。

    A plain white T-shirt can create an illusion that broadens the shoulders and slims the waist , producing a more V-shaped body , which is a top sign of masculinity .

  3. Hussein的造型是混合了高雅的巴黎感觉的阳刚之气,以及一种突破前拉斐尔派的希冀。

    The look for Hussein was about mixing masculinity with chic Parisian savoir faire , and a broken glamorous pre-raphaelite texture with straight jagged ends .

  4. 我说到阳刚之气是人需要而不是表现出来的。

    I talked about this masculinity that one need not perform .

  5. 呼唤阳刚之气的中国绘画

    Call the strong and tough Chinese painting of its spirit

  6. 学术界也已开始加入这场阳刚之气的回归潮流。

    Academics have also started to join the masculinity revival .

  7. 即使是文质彬彬的青年现在/也开始展示他们的阳刚之气

    Unrough youths that even now protest their first of manhood

  8. 女性在欣赏的阳刚之气的程度上确实有差别。

    Women really do vary in the degree of masculinity they prefer .

  9. 赛马业的例行仪式总是充满了好斗的阳刚之气。

    The rituals of the racing world are as macho as all get-out .

  10. 好多男人觉得深受社交界阳刚之气形象的约束。

    A lot of men feel very constrained by society 's image of masculinity .

  11. 课堂上缺少阳刚之气。

    There is less testosterone in the classroom .

  12. 在宣扬阳刚之气的电视广告中,他举重并极力宣扬锻炼。

    In gritty television commercials , he pumps iron and talks tough about working out .

  13. 你很有阳刚之气,精力也充沛。

    You 're very masculine and energetic .

  14. 愿意看那激越的对抗,看那美丽而动人的阳刚之气的迸发。

    Look at the confrontation is willing to agitation , look beautiful and moving burst masculinity .

  15. 今天,我想要说服每一个家长和老师关注男孩阳刚之气的培养。

    Today , I want to persuade every teacher and parent to treat boys as men .

  16. 由于公司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托从前充满阳刚之气的圣地目前的男性人口比例仅49%。

    Thanks to company shutdowns , Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male .

  17. 他总给人以一种阳刚之气,显示出硬汉形象,善于适应环境,独立自主,热爱运动,坚定不移。

    Always male , he was regarded as a hardy type , adaptable , independent , sport loving and resolute .

  18. 用变速杆(手动)开车比较难,因此被认为更具运动性和阳刚之气。

    A ' stick shift ' ( manual ) is harder to drive and therefore considered sportier , more masculine .

  19. 挺拔的鼻梁、大大的眼睛、颇具阳刚之气的身材、以及出身军队的背景,都让宁泽涛赢得一大波粉丝。

    His straight nose , big eyes , masculine figure and an army background are bringing him legions of fans .

  20. 男性之所以比女性更直接的认同这种运动,是因为他们的童年经历和比赛所展示的阳刚之气。

    Men identify more directly than women with spectator sports because of their childhood experience and the macho nature of games .

  21. 是的,根据古老的埃及象形文字记载,具有阳刚之气的男人所喝的最具男子气概的饮料最初是由女人酿造的。

    Yes , the manliest man drink for manly men was primarily brewed , according to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics , by the ladies .

  22. 与此同时,另一项研究发现某些普遍存在的化学物品会是男孩子缺少阳刚之气,并且以有害的方式改变他们的身体及大脑的发育。

    At the meantime , another research some pervasivechemicals make boys less masculine & permanently altering their bodies and brains in detrimental ways .

  23. 此外,我们发现男性脸部透出的阳刚气质的确符合“有其父必有其子”这一规则:有阳刚之气的父亲会生出具有相同气质的儿子。

    For the male line , we find that facial masculinity conforms to the rule'like father-like son ' . Masculine dads have masculine sons .

  24. 宋濂散文不但有“温柔敦厚”、“中和雅正”的阴柔之美,也有雄浑、崇高、劲健、悲慨的阳刚之气。

    Song Lian 's essay possesses not only feminine and mild beauty , but also powerful , sublime , robust and solemn virile beauty .

  25. 建筑通过选材与立面造型的不同技法,表现出自身的阳刚之气与雄浑气势。

    Via timber assortment and differ skills and techniques on facade formation , the architecture reflects masculinity , vigorous and firm manner of itself .

  26. 虽然香烟经常作为“阳刚之气”的代名词出现在广告中,但吸烟其实会大大增加男性阳痿的危险。

    Forget the Marlboro man & new research shows that smoking , often marketed as a symbol of virility , increases the risk of impotence .

  27. 一个男人如何既能自由表达他们的阳刚之气又不变得冷漠,封闭或懦弱?

    How can men consciously express their masculinity without becoming cold or closed-hearted on the one hand * or wimpy and emasculated on the other ?

  28. 男人穿着高跟减损了他们的阳刚之气,突出了天生的身高不足,人为增加的身高不会赋予他们任何优势。

    Heels on men detracted from their masculinity by highlighting a natural lack of height , rather than conferring any advantage gained from artificially increased stature .

  29. 罗斯的儿子本喜欢玩芭比娃娃,罗斯实在难以接受。他力图使本喜欢玩更具阳刚之气的游戏。

    Ross has a hard time accepting that his son plays with a Barbie doll ; he tries to get him interested in more masculine toys .

  30. 为什么有些女性见到具有阴柔之美的奥兰多-布鲁姆就心跳加速,而另一些则更倾心于丹尼尔-克雷格的阳刚之气呢?

    Why do some women 's hearts race over the feminine features of Orlando Bloom while others are more attracted to macho men like Daniel Craig ?