
  1. 论秦汉文化的时代精神

    The Time Spirit of the Cultures in the Qin and Han Dynasties

  2. 向上继承了秦汉文化,呈现出多样化的面貌,向下开启了隋唐时期兼容并包、广博宏大的多元素文化格局。

    Inherited the Qin and Han culture on the basis of showing a variety of face , opens the Sui and Tang dynasties inclusive , broad and ambitious cultural patterns .

  3. 概括地说,这种时代精神表现为:大一统理念作为秦汉文化的灵魂,贯穿于当时的思想文化建设的整个过程,确立了秦汉文化的价值取向与理想追求;

    Generally speaking , the idea of " greatness and union " run through the whole process of cultural establishment , and decided on the values and ideals of the Qin and Han Dynasties .

  4. 《淮南子》是秦汉文化史上一部重要的著作,不仅在思想上是集大成之作,而且在文学艺术上也极具影响力。

    " Huainanzi " is an important history of the Qin and Han culture works , not only be made in the expression of thought , but also extremely influential in literature and art .

  5. 最后,文章应用理论成果,结合实际案例咸阳秦汉文化街的景观环境设计,从实践上验证了本文所得出的结论。

    Finally , the application of theoretical results , combined with actual cases Street Xianyang Qin and Han cultural environment of the landscape design , from the practice to verify the conclusions of this article .

  6. 为了保护现有的秦汉文化遗产和提高人们参观博物馆的便捷程度,提出了通过构建虚拟秦汉博物馆网站来达到这双重目的的方法。

    To protect the existing cultural heritage of Qin and Han dynasties , and improve the convenience of visiting museums , the method of building a virtual museum of the Qin and Han is presented .

  7. 试析秦汉旅游文化的发展和进步

    Analysis on Development and Progress of Tourist Culture During Qin and Han Dynasty

  8. 吴地的经济文化与社会变迁是秦汉统一文化的重要组成部分。

    The economy , culture and social transformation of Wu Area are the important elements of the united culture of Qin and Han Dynasties .

  9. 由此也完成了华夏文化中心向秦汉汉族文化中心的转型。

    Thus the sediment and type-transforming from the centre the Chinese culture to the centre of the Han culture in Qin and Han periods were finished .

  10. 反映了当时人们的审美取向和希望长生不老、祈盼羽化升仙的追求,也正体现了秦汉时期文化艺术的蓬勃发展。

    Reflecting the aesthetic orientation and hope , hope ever-young eclosion about pursuit , is also reflected in the Qin and Han Dynasties culture and art development .

  11. 秦汉审美文化既不是“现实主义”,也不是“浪漫主义”,而是以外向和谐的壮丽为总体时代特色的古典主义。

    The aesthetic culture of Qin and Han dynasties is neither " realism " nor " romanticism ", but " classicalism " whose main features are outward harmonious splendor .

  12. 本文主要从政治文化角度,以先秦儒法两家思想体系的若干重要范畴的产生、发展为线索来研究儒法源流,最后归结到秦汉政治文化整合。

    This dissertation intends to study the source and course of Confucianism and Legalism by researching the birth and development of some important categories in these two schools of thought .

  13. 它们作为秦汉隐逸文化的思想渊源,因出发点和关注点的差异,学说的本质内涵有所区别。

    As the origin of hermit culture of Qin and Han Dynasty , due to differences in their starting points and their points of attention , Confucianism and Taoism have completely different essence .

  14. 在对自然的进一步认识提高中,秦汉审美文化重威思想的强调,使得秦汉的园林呈现出规模宏大的特征。

    In the growing understanding of nature , the garden showed large-scale characteristics in Qin and Han Dynasties , because the thought of " heavy prestige " was emphasized in the aesthetic culture .

  15. 试析秦汉以来浙东文化之特色

    Analysis on the Culture Characteristics of the Eastern Zhejiang Province

  16. 论秦汉时期齐鲁文化的历史地位

    An Analysis of the Historical Status of Qi-Lu Culture in the Qin Han Dynasty

  17. 秦汉生态法律文化初探

    A Preliminary Approach to the Ecological Laws and Culture in the Qin and Han Period

  18. 朝那湫,是固原秦汉时期道教文化发展的渊薮;

    The Chaonaqiu was also the origin of Taoism Culture during the Qin & Han Dynasties .

  19. 战国神仙方士文化本与鬼神无涉,它是如何成为孕育早期道教的文化要素呢?这就要我们注意秦汉神仙方士文化发生的第一个转变&神学化。

    What is the bridge between the culture of supernatural being and alchemist in the Warring states and early Taoism ?

  20. 夷汉之间&从考古材料看贵州战国秦汉时代的文化格局

    Between Yi and Han & The Cultural Patterns Based on Archaeological Materials from the Warring States to Han Dynasty in Guizhou

  21. 从闻匈奴中乐看秦汉时期游牧文化的人文精神

    Humanistic Spirit In Qin and Han dynasties of the Nomadic Culture Reflected in " Be Willing to Hear about the Hun "

  22. 秦汉神仙方士文化是孕育早期道教产生的重要文化要素。

    The culture of supernatural being and alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties is an important cultural integrant being pregnant with early Taoism .

  23. 不过,现有研究,尤其是对秦汉时期制度文化层面问题的研究,在研究问题、方法和材料等方面,还存在着一些问题。

    However , the existing research , especially to Qin-Han institutions culture level , in the research questions , methods and materials , some problems still exist .

  24. 二者的结合,促成了秦汉时期隐逸文化发展的高潮。

    The combination of these two thinking , in the end , led to the culmination of the development of the recluse culture in the Qin and Han dynasties .

  25. 秦汉时期旅游文化的发展和进步主要体现在旅游观念的更新、旅游队伍的扩大、旅游设施的发展和旅游文化内涵的丰富。

    The development and progress during Qin and Han dynasty embody mainly the renovation of tourist ideas , extension of tourist teams , development of tourist facilities and enriching of connotation of tourist cultures .

  26. 秦汉哲学与中国文化传统

    Qin-Han Dynasty philosophy and traditional Chinese culture

  27. 秦汉时期是中华文化共同体的基本定型时期,也是中国传统政治文明典范的确立时期。

    Qin and Han Dynasty was the period when Chinese Culture Union basically had its form and the traditional political civilization mode established .

  28. 春秋战国与秦汉之间的音乐文化断层现象研究

    A Research into the Fault Situation in the Music Culture between the Spring and Autumn , the Warring States Periods and the Qin and Han Dynasties

  29. 秦汉暖湿期农业文化向北扩展是顺应干预型的综合开发,有其合理因素。

    For the duration of warmth and moisture of the Qin and the Han periods , farming culture advancing north conformed to the comprehensive intervention-type development , having its reasonable factors .

  30. 先秦时期和秦汉时期在物质文化发展的整体水平上基本可以看作是在同一等高线上的,这是文学发展根本制约性的因素。

    Physical culture developmental level of the times of Pre-Qin , Qin and Han can be regarded as the same degree , which was the ultimate factor that restricted literature development .