
  • 网络Buddhist statues
  1. 青州背屏式佛造像的艺术特点

    The Artistic Features of Qingzhou Back Screen Buddha Images

  2. 天国符号佛造像艺术展

    Symbols of the Heavenly Kingdom Exhibition of Buddhist Images

  3. 佛造像借用相学的“伟人像”而演生出了“32相”、“80种好”仪规。

    Borrowing from imaging 's " Great People Images ," Buddha images developed " 32 Imaging " and " 80 Details " poising rules .

  4. 云冈第二十窟佛造像的浑和美&先秦美学在北魏的成熟

    The Vigorous and Mild Sense of Beauty on the Images of Buddha in YunGang Twentieth Grotto & The Aesthetics of Pre-Qin Got Mature in North Wei

  5. 明代藏传佛教绘画艺术的理论、绘画技法较为成熟,佛经的翻译和研究在此时也得到了极大发展,女性神佛造像的象征来源有明晰的文本记载。

    It is that the translation of Buddhist scriptures and study has been a great development in Ming Dynasty , and the symbol of female statues is clearly depicted .

  6. 佛教造像艺术和陵墓雕塑是中国雕塑史和工艺美术史上的两大重要的组成部分,冠唱古今,缺少了佛造像史,中国美术史无疑将黯然失色。

    Buddhist Sculpture and tomb sculpture is two very important part of the history of Chinese sculpture history and arts and crafts , crown singing the ancient and modern , the lack of a history of Buddha statues , Chinese art history will no doubt be overshadowed .

  7. 佛、道造像碑是五、六世纪流行于中国北方地区的一种特殊的宗教文化遗存。

    Steles with religious images of Buddhism and Taoism were erected widely in the north of China in the 5th and 6th century as a special form of religion worship .

  8. 本文首次深入地对佛、道造像碑的源流、性质进行了探讨,认为其受中土传统碑石、寺庙、石窟寺中心塔柱等多元文化的影响,直接源流是石窟寺的中心塔柱。

    This article deeply discusses the origin and characters of steles with the images of Buddhism and Taoism for the first time , and reaches the conclusion that these steles were mainly derived from the stupa-shaped column in central grotto while were also influenced by Chinese traditional steles and temples .