
  • 网络buddhist discipline
  1. 柳宗元的佛教戒律与孝道说

    Liu Zongyuan 's Buddhist Discipline and Filial Doctrine

  2. 佛教教义研究中的最关键一环就是对佛教戒律的探索研究,而对其性质特点和宗教作用的认识对于佛教学的发展有着十分重要的意义。

    A key link in the studies of Buddhist doctrine , the cognition of the nature , features and functions of Buddhist discipline is very important to the development of Buddhology .

  3. 第一章对佛教戒律及其分类进行阐述。

    The first chapter describes the Buddhist precepts and their classification .

  4. 佛教戒律与唐代妇女家庭生活

    Buddhist Disciplines and Women 's Family Life in Tang Dynasty

  5. 中国佛教戒律之孝道观念

    The Notion of Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism Doctrine

  6. 佛教戒律在印度的发展史。

    The development of Buddhist religious discipline in India .

  7. 汉唐佛教戒律传译研究

    The Study of the Development and Change of Buddhist Religious Discipline from Han to Tang Dynasty

  8. 持戒是达到信仰的主要手段。此时,佛教戒律便转化为道德原则与伦理规范,在现实生活中发挥其社会控制功能。

    From the above analysis , the conclusion can be reached that Buddhist disciplines do have the function as a social control .

  9. 佛教戒律文献含有较多的口语材料,对汉语词汇史研究和辞书编纂有着重要意义。

    The Buddhist Doctvine scriptures have many colloquialism , which have immense significance to the study of of Chinese vocabulary and the compliation of lexicographical works .

  10. 本文通过对佛教戒律和道教戒律的形成与发展的历史回顾,概括了佛、道戒律的主要内容,揭示了这些戒律的伦理意蕴及其价值。

    This paper , based on a glance at the formation and development of Buddhist and Taoist religious disciplines , summarizes their major contents , ethic values and functions .

  11. 以《广记》报应故事为主要分析对象,注重挖掘业的内容及其背后暗含的时代善恶观念,即人们渐渐将佛教戒律化和儒家伦理化作为善恶评判的标准。

    See retribution storys of " taiping " as the main object of analysies that excavate the contents of the " yeyin " and the conception what implied behind these stoyies : People gradually take the precepts of Buddhism and Confucian ethics as the standard to judge good from evil .

  12. 述论中国佛教的居士戒律学

    A Discussion of Chinese Lay Buddhists ' Commandments

  13. 可是,佛教的五大戒律中最后一个即为饮酒戒。

    However , Buddhism has five main ethical precepts and the last is abstaining from intoxicants .

  14. 佛教禅宗的打坐戒律和其令人费解的禅理似乎很有启发性。

    Zen Buddhism , with its discipline of meditation and its perplexing koan riddles , seems powerfully enlightening .

  15. 道教在这一时期由分散的、不成熟的民间宗教通过纳入儒家的伦理纲常、吸收佛教的部分教义戒律,经改造和充实后发展成为成熟的宗教,侧列三教之中。

    In this period , Taoism become an mature religion through absorbing the ethics of Confucianism and some precepts of Buddhism .

  16. 很多西方佛教信徒认为吃素是很重要的,因为它符合佛教不杀生的戒律。

    Many Western Buddhists think it is important to be vegetarian because it agrees with the Buddhist precept of not harming any living being .

  17. 它在形式上固然是一种佛教僧众的集团,然而在精神上,它是融合礼乐的真义和佛教戒律的典型。

    Though it takes the form of monastery , in essence it 's a typical example of the combination of Confucian teachings of etiquettes and music and the Buddha commandments .

  18. 五戒则是一切佛教信徒用以指导自己行为的道德规范,五戒更是一切佛教信徒的戒条,五戒不仅是佛教戒律的基础,还是世间社会人伦道德的基础。

    Five Precepts of Buddhism are all believers ethics to guide their actions , the Five Precepts is the doctrine of all Buddhists , the Five Precepts of Buddhism is not only the basis for discipline , or the worldly social ethics and moral foundation .