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  • 网络Buddhist scriptures
  1. 阿里噶礼是在特殊历史背景下为佛教经典的翻译而创作并运用的符号体系。

    It is in a special historical background for Buddhist scriptures translation and creation and the use of the symbol system .

  2. 偈颂禅诗作为佛教经典中的文体形式,其诗性特征在历史潮流的推进中发生了与本土化互渗式的渐变。

    As a style of Buddhist scriptures , the characteristic of Gatha has been changed gradually with the advancing tide of history in the form of localization of infiltration .

  3. 亚洲的福音书&晚清新教传教士汉语佛教经典英译研究

    The Gospel in Asia : Chinese Buddhist Classics Translated by Protestant Missionaries in Late Qing Dynasty

  4. 三七二十一的直接来源,是佛教经典中的期限数三七,同时,中国文化数和一般乘法口诀,亦起到了加强的作用。

    What is more , Chinese cultural numbers and the rhyme of multiplication also function in the wide use of the expression .

  5. 首先,他承认早期的佛教经典的地层并且因此直接建立了一条由佛陀阐述的道路。

    Firstly , he recognizes the earliest strata of the canonical works and thereby indirectly establishes the Path as enunciated by the Buddha .

  6. 这个书名来自佛教经典,据我所知,为翻译这个书名,各国的翻译家都很头痛。

    The Chinese title comes from Buddhist scripture , and I 've been told that my translators have had fits trying to render it into their languages .

  7. 顺应时代的演进与需求,将流传二千五百多年的佛教经典文献电子化,是现在佛教发展的重要课题。

    In line with current developments and needs , it is of importance to digitalize Buddhist scriptures that have been passed down the ages for more than two thousand five hundred years .

  8. 《美猴王》是根据16世纪的一部中国小说改编的,讲述了一个在亚洲广为人知的故事,故事取材于一个中国僧人去印度寻找佛教经典著作的著名朝圣之旅,不过这部小说跟历史有很大区别。

    Based on a 16th-century Chinese novel , " Monkey " relates a fable that is widely known in Asian cultures , drawn loosely from the historic pilgrimage of a priest from China to India in search of Buddhist sutras .

  9. 我对佛教经典并没有深入研究,对佛教的理解自然十分肤浅,之所以以此为题,是因为我觉得佛教的许多基本思想,是真正的宇宙意识,人世中许多纷争,在佛家的眼里,是毫无意义的。

    I am not especially well versed in Buddhist scripture and have but a superficial understanding of the religion . I chose this title because I believe that the basic tenets of the Buddhist faith represent universal knowledge , and that mankind 's many disputes are utterly without meaning in the Buddhist realm .

  10. 他向我推荐了一本有关佛教的经典名著。

    He recommended me a classic book on buddhism .

  11. 而《贤愚因缘经》是这类佛经中对后世影响最大、最具代表性的佛教故事经典,也是国内外佛教学者重点研究和评论的焦点。

    And Karma Scriptures about Wisdom and Foolishness is the most typical classics of Buddhist stories which exert the biggest influence on the following generations and is the stressed research and focus of comments of Buddhism scholars at home and abroad .

  12. 为了将佛教教义经典带给人们,历代译经大师呕心沥血,为后世留下了宝贵的精神财富,为后世持经诵典提供了便利,也为研究佛经提供了难得的史料。

    To the classical Buddhist teachings brought to people , ancient scriptures master abilities , left for future generations a valuable spiritual wealth for future generations who have been facilitated by the chanting Code also provides for the study of rare historical Buddhist .

  13. 大乘佛教的晚期经典《楞伽经》与印度古代的哲学宝典《奥义书》有着诸多相似之处。

    The later period Mahayana Sutra Lankavatara-sutra is similar with the ancient India philosophical classics Upanad .

  14. 佛教有句经典的话:你的痛苦都源于对现实的抗拒。

    Buddhas famous saying tells us : It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering .

  15. 佛教涅盘部的经典及其思想,在这一过程中发挥了重要的影响。

    The sutras of Mahaparinirvana and their ideas exerted significant influence in this course .

  16. 《妙法莲华经》被喻为经中之王,是大乘佛教最重要的经典之一。

    The Lotus Sutra , praised as King of sutras , is one of the most important sutras of Mahayana .

  17. 在中国,佛教的传播是与佛教经典的译介同步进行的。

    In China , Buddhism developed in the process of the introduction and translation of Buddhistical scriptures .

  18. 魏晋南北朝时期的佛教主要以译经为主,佛教经典大批的、高质量翻译出来,吸引了众多信徒。

    Jin , and Southern and Northern period , large quantities of Buddhism scriptures with high quality were translated , which attracted a lot of Buddhists .

  19. 目前学术界对佛教医学的研究主要集中于对佛教经典中的医学资料和医学思想的探析。

    Today the studies on religion medicine were concentrate on medicine material and medicine idea of religion classics .

  20. 佛教与白族文学的关系主要表现在:佛教的经典教义影响了白族民间文学创作的内容;

    Classic couture Buddhism and Dali Bai Literature letation : Buddhism influenced the writing of Bai folk literature content ;