
  • 网络Chandra;Candala;Chandala
  1. 旃陀罗笈多还设有工程师和勘测员负责道路和运河的兴修和维护。

    Chandragupta 's engineers and surveyors constructed and maintained roads and canals .

  2. 旃陀罗笈多常常亲自审理案件,根据记载,他的判决一般说来都是很公正的。

    Chandragupta often judged cases personally , and by all accounts his judgements were generally fair .

  3. 从旃陀罗笈多开始,可信的印度史逐渐成型。

    From the time of Chandragupta , a reasonably reliable history of India begins to take shape .

  4. 官员向民众征收繁重的捐税,以支付政府的管理开支和供养旃陀罗笈多庞大的常备军。

    Its officials collected heavy taxes which paid the costs of administration and supported Chandragupta 's large standing army .

  5. 旃陀罗笈多政府要处理的工作中,有许多是当今印度政府必须面对的行政问题。

    Many of the tasks that Chandragupta 's government tackled parallel administrative problems faced by India 's present government .

  6. 据有的资料说,旃陀罗笈多聚集了60万步兵,3万骑兵和9000头战象和无数战车。

    Some sources say that Chandragupta mustered 600 , 000 infantry , 30 , 000 cavalry , 9 , 000 war elephants and many chariots .