
  • 网络GANDHARA;Taxila;Kosala
  1. 2.素可泰(Sukhothai)约公元13世纪,在现如今的泰国土地上,第一个暹罗国形成了,素可泰就是它的政治行政首都。

    Around the 13th century AD , in the area we now know as Thailand , the first Siam Kingdom was formed , and its political and administrative capital was Sukhothai .

  2. 是的,我们准备与当然罗国和在寻找到非盟索马里问题的解决办法,他说。

    And yes , we are prepared to work with the EGAD states and the AU in finding solutions to the problem of Somalia , he said .

  3. 结语部分概括了中国佛教净土思想及禅净合流之特点,净土思想对中国当代人间佛教的影响和对新罗国佛教的影响。

    The ending summarizes the distinguishing features of the fusion of Zen and Pure Land thought , the influence of Pure Land thought upon contemporary Chinese Buddhism , and Xinluo Buddhism as well .

  4. 预备打仗的兵来到希伯仑见大卫,要照著耶和华的话将扫罗的国位归与大卫。

    These are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him , according to the word of the LORD .

  5. 特雷弗?罗是联合国世界粮食计划署的发言人。

    Trevor Rowe is a spokesman for the World Food Program .

  6. 该城市的历史城区和葡萄酒产区上杜罗已被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。

    The city 's historic center and the Alto Douro Wine Region have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites .