
  1. 事实上,《锦绣未央》已经是唐嫣和罗晋合作的第四部电视剧了。

    The pairing of Tiffany Tang and Luo Jin is actually the fourth time they have co-starred together .

  2. 在电视剧《锦绣未央》中扮演李未央的白马王子的男演员罗晋,在微博上公开了他与唐嫣两人的恋情。

    The actor Luo Jin , her prince from The Princess Weiyoung , has publicly posted their romantic relationship on Weibo .

  3. 罗晋于12月6日12点06分发表了一则微博:“我的肩膀永远是你的依靠!亲爱的你,生日快乐。”

    On exactly 12:06 am , December 6 , Luo Jin posted to her Weibo with this message : My shoulders are always for you to lean on ! My Dear , happy birthday .