
  • 网络Roswell;Roswell Incident
  1. 这个问题与上面描述的罗斯威尔事件有关联。

    This issue is connected with the Roswell catastrophe described above .

  2. 不能太过强调罗斯威尔事件到底带给我们多少灾难。

    It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was .

  3. 展品包括关于罗斯威尔事件的信息、麦田里的怪圈、其他不明飞行物目击资料、51区和外星人劫持事件的报道。

    Exhibits include information on the event , crop circles , other UFO sightings , Area 51 , and abductions .

  4. 你看,这件事发生在新墨西哥州的罗斯威尔飞碟坠毁事件的几年之后.

    You see , this was only a few years after the supposed flying saucer crash at Roswell , New Mexico .

  5. 新墨西哥州罗斯威尔:如果你相信“真理远在天边,近在眼前”,那么罗斯威尔事件就已经从你的记忆里面消逝了。

    Roswell , New Mexico : If you believe The Truth is Out There , then the Roswell Incident is already filed away in your memory banks .