
  • 网络intelligent life
  1. 它将帮助我们寻找银河系以外的智慧生命,探索宇宙的起源。

    It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the Galaxy and explore the origins of the universe .

  2. 这就是诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗纳德科斯(RonaldCoase)的伟大发现,他用这一发现来解释为什么人类并非我们经济系统里唯一的智慧生命形式。

    This was the insight of the Nobel prizewinning economist Ronald Coase , and he used it to explain why humanity is not the only form of intelligent life in our economic universe .

  3. SETI的科学家不只是搜寻来自其它星球的生命迹象,还寻找智慧生命存在的证据:能发展语言、文明、文化和科技的生命。

    SETI scientists are not just searching for signs of life from other planets , but evidence of intelligent life : life capable of developing language , civilization , culture , and technology .

  4. 搜寻地外文明计划(Seti)的支持者说,我们应该启动搜寻地外文明计划,发出讯息,而不仅仅是接收,希望能够在浩瀚宇宙中找到其他智慧生命。

    Proponents of Seti ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) have said we should consider Active Seti - sending out messages , rather than just listening , in the hope someone is out there .

  5. 如果有智慧生命存在,那么距离地球仅仅40光年的LHS1140b很适合我们向其发射交流信号。LHS1140b除了位置靠近地球,它的自转也较慢,我们对其进行观察会更容易些。

    At only 40 light-years away , this exoplanet is in a good position for us to send a signal to intelligent life there , should it exist . In addition to LHS 1140b 's proximity to Earth , the exoplanet 's slower rotation speed makes LHS 1140b easier to observe .

  6. 他们在与太阳系相似的其它星系寻找智慧生命。

    They are searching for intelligent life forms in other solar systems .

  7. 宇宙中别的地方存在智慧生命吗?

    Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe ?

  8. 但很可能,另外一种智慧生命形态却没有这些装置。

    but that you could have another intelligent life form that lacks these .

  9. 在新的一年里,你们会更多地意识到智慧生命的存在。

    In this next year you are going to be more aware of other Intelligences .

  10. 此次皇家学会会议还将讨论一旦发现外星智慧生命,人们将如何应对的问题。

    The conference will also discuss how humans might respond to the discovery of extra-terrestrial intelligence .

  11. 不过,外空存在智慧生命的想法不再局限于虚构作品当中了。

    But the idea of intelligent life in outer space is no longer limited to fiction .

  12. 而外星智慧生命留下的一种标志可能是空气污染。

    And one signature of alien intelligence may be , cough , cough , air pollution .

  13. 然而存在智慧生命的机会非常渺茫。

    The chances that such life would be intelligent , however , are much more remote .

  14. 从最深层意义上讲,对于地球外智慧生命的研究是一种为我们自己的研究。

    In the deepest sense , the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves .

  15. 昨天,我告诉大家我们星球之外有智慧生命的存在。

    Yesterday I told you of our belief in the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet .

  16. 贝思:没错。它们可能以为这儿没有智慧生命!

    Beth : Yeah . They 'd probably figure there was no intelligent life at all here !

  17. 就在这种非常稀有的场合,我知道在这个星球上仍然还是有些智慧生命。

    It is on these rare occasions that I know there is still intelligent life on this planet .

  18. 对于地球外智慧生命的研究是为了人类研究一种总的来说可接受的宇宙背景研究。

    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species .

  19. 肖斯塔说他的结论是基于德雷克公式推算的,而公式是智慧生命搜寻计划协会先驱弗兰克。•德雷克计算的。

    Shostak said he based his estimation on the Drake Equation , a formula conceived by SETI pioneer Frank Drake .

  20. 他把我拿到了农场主面前,后者很快就明白了我不是动物,而是一个智慧生命。

    He took me to the farmer , who soon realized that I was not an animal , but an in-telligent being .

  21. 一种更好的做法,是先认识到离我们最近的地外智慧生命可能至少也隔着几十光年的距离。

    A better approach is to note that the nearest intelligent extraterrestrials are likely to be at least dozens of light-years away .

  22. 如今我们明白,火星上没有绿色小外星人或是任何我们所了解的智慧生命。

    We know by now that we won 't find little green men or any intelligent form of life that we understand .

  23. 新的一年不但被你们自己,而且被其他的智慧生命所关注。

    This next year is going to be watched , not only by you , but by other Intelligences , as well .

  24. 因此,让人相信只有地球产生了智慧生命就等于坚持认为我们生活的世界全然是一块奇迹之地。

    Consequently , to believe that only Earth has spawned intelligence is to insist that our world is the site of a miracle .

  25. 总统说,既然我们在火星上发现了智慧生命,他希望我们也在国会里找找看。

    President , after twelve years of hard research and billions of dollars spent , we have finally found intelligent life on Mars .

  26. 加利福尼亚山景城&半个多世纪以来,一些天文学家一直在探寻星际中的智慧生命,探寻我们的同伴。

    MOUNTAIN VIEW , Calif. & For more than a half-century , a small group of astronomers has sought intelligent company among the stars .

  27. 加利福尼亚山景城——半个多世纪以来,一些天文学家一直在探寻星际中的智慧生命,探寻我们的同伴。

    MOUNTAIN VIEW , Calif. - For more than a half-century , a small group of astronomers has sought intelligent company among the stars .

  28. 很少的科学家事后已经问了一系列的问题:地球外的智慧生命是不是大量的,为什么我们迄今还没有看到他们存在的迹象?

    A few scientists have lately asked a curious question : If extraterrestrial intelligence is abundant , why have we not already seen its manifestations ?

  29. 过去50年来,科学家和宇航员们一直在用他们的望远镜观察宇宙空间,搜索智慧生命的迹象。

    For the last 50 years , scientists and astronomers have been training their telescopes into space in the search for signs of intelligent life .

  30. 罪恶被认为是宇宙的媒介;,几乎是一个,仿佛一种智慧生命。

    Sin is talked about as this agent of the cosmos ; stoichea sin is almost like one of the stoichea , kind of an intelligent being .