
zhì nánɡ tuán
  • think tank;brain trust;think factory
智囊团 [zhì náng tuán]
  • [brain trust] 指与制定计划和策略有关,并且时常没有官方的或被承认的地位的专家教授们

  1. 不像英国广播公司的智囊团,他们不回答问题,而是只提出问题。

    Unlike the BBC 's Brain Trust , they ask , not answer , questions .

  2. 本周末,候选人的智囊团将开会制定初选战略。

    The candidate 's brain trust is gathering this weekend to plan strategy for the primary election .

  3. 3braintrust专家顾问团,智囊团总统面对着智囊团提出的相互冲突的意见。

    The president faces conflicting advice from his brain trust .

  4. 国际清算银行(bankforinternationalsettlements)在危机前表现出来的预见性,远远超过大银行家,或者那些正在改革大银行家监管方式的政府智囊团。

    The bank for International Settlements showed far more prescience ahead of the crisis than big bankers or the government brain trusts now reforming how they are regulated .

  5. 该报告是美国智囊团新美国安全中心(centerforanewamericansecurity)在上述事件发生前委托撰写的,重点关注为美国国防部工作的军人和文职分析师。

    The report was commissioned by the center for a new American security , a US think-tank , before the latest incidents , and focuses on the US military and civilian analysts employed by the Department of defence .

  6. 但是,根据堪萨斯城的智囊团考夫曼基金会(theKauffmanFoundation)有关创业的最新研究,这个形象是虚构的。

    But according to a new study from the Kauffman Foundation , a Kansas City think tank that studies entrepreneurship , that image is a myth .

  7. 英国智囊团“移民观察”(MigrationWatch)的AlpMehmet对政府的限令表示赞同。

    Alp Mehmet with the think tank Migration Watch approves of the government 's cap .

  8. 这项研究是由智囊团Demos实施的,并定于星期五全面发表。

    The research was carried out by thinktank Demos and is due to be published in full on Good Friday .

  9. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .

  10. 多数减税政策都是提供增长激励措施,而这并非他的主要目标,右翼智囊团美国企业研究所(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)常驻学者艾伦•维亚德(AlanViard)表示。

    Most tax cuts provide incentives for growth , which is not his main goal , says Alan Viard , a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute , the right-wing think-tank .

  11. 本文以项目生命周期管理为主线,按照客户、专家(承包商)、智囊团和管理员四种不同角色的业务操作流程,利用UML技术构建了系统整体框架的模型。

    On the basis of management of project lifecycle , According to the different business fluent of client 、 expert 、 brainpower and administrator , the paper constitute the architecture of whole system by UML .

  12. 另一项由智囊团Demos撰写的题为“良性增长”的研究报告指出,英国是欧洲最不适宜居住的地方之一。

    Another study , a report by think-tank Demos entitled'Good Growth ' , suggests that Britain is one of the worst places to live in Europe .

  13. 然而,来自富裕国家智囊团(欧洲)经济合作与发展组织(OECD)及波士顿咨询集团(BCG)的新数据显示全球“网络之网”是由地方性的要素形成的。

    Yet new statistics from the OECD , a rich-country think-tank , and Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) show that the global " network of networks " is shaped by local forces .

  14. 某婚姻智囊团的带头人PennyMansfield的一些前沿研究表明,威廉王子和凯特的婚姻将会长长久久,幸福美满!

    Heres some cutting-edge research from Penny Mansfield , director of the marriage think-tank One Plus One , that points to a long and happy marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton .

  15. 毕竟我大量时间都在环游世界,也喜欢参与CFR的智囊团精心筹办的国际讨论。

    After all , I have spent much of my life travelling around the globe and love participating in international debates of the type that the CFR think-tank stages so well .

  16. 加州圣马特奥教育健康智囊团ClaytonChristensenInstitute的执行董事迈克尔&12539;霍恩(MichaelHorn)如此评价:一瞬间,知识的海洋就向他们敞开了怀抱。

    ' All of a sudden , the world opens up to them , ' says Michael Horn , executive director of education for the Clayton Christensen Institute , a San Mateo , Calif. , education and health-care think tank .

  17. EarthSky就人口老龄化原因的话题采访了卡尔•霍伯。他是美国人口咨询局的一名人口统计学家,也是华盛顿智囊团的成员。

    EarthSky spoke with Carl Haub , a demographer at the Population Reference Bureau , a Washington D.C. - based think-tank , about why the population is getting older .

  18. 民众价值智囊团Civitas的罗伯特·威兰说:“无论是从范围还是从速度上,这种下降让人难以置信。”

    Robert Whelan of the Civitas civic value think-tank said : " This is an incredible collapse , not just because of the extent but because of the speed .

  19. JulesPolonetsky认为能。Jules是华盛顿未来隐私论坛智囊团的主管,他也承认他并不总是赞成Soghoian博士的做法。

    Yes , says Jules Polonetsky , director of the Future of Privacy Forum , a think-tank based in Washington , DC , who by his own admission does not always see eye-to-eye with him .

  20. Kronos劳动力研究所主任JoyceMaroney表示:这些结果跟我们去年在世界范围做的关于旷工情况的调查结果是一致的。该劳动力研究所是委托Harris公司进行此项在线调查的劳动力管理公司的智囊团。

    The findings were in line with the findings of our survey last year on absenteeism around the world , said Joyce Maroney , director the Workforce Institute at Kronos , the think tanks of the workforce management company that commissioned the Harris interactive online poll .

  21. 华盛顿智囊团布鲁金斯学会中国研究中心主任李侃如(KennethLieberthal)说:“这说明过去几天来他们在北京展开的讨论进展良好。”

    China Center Director Kenneth Liberthal is with Washington , D.C. 's Brookings Institution - a government policy research group . He said , " That suggests that the discussion that had occurred during the previous several days in Beijing had gone very well .

  22. 人民政协是政府的智囊团。

    The grouping acts as a think tank for the government .

  23. 美国的致力于环境,发展和安全问题的智囊团。

    Us think-tank focussing on the environment , development and security .

  24. 嘉朗集团拥有着一只最优秀的智囊团。

    JUSTLONG is in possession of the most excellent think tank .

  25. 他拥有一支包括学者和作家的智囊团

    There was a whole back-up team of intellectuals , writers .

  26. 大力改进智囊团的运作程序;

    To improve the operation procedure of the brain trust strongly ;

  27. 不断提高智囊团成员的素质。

    To improve the quality of members of the brain trust .

  28. 他认为自己控制着智囊团。

    He thinks he 's got a monopoly on brains .

  29. 大家也在努力使整个智囊团进入加速冷战时期。

    Another effort entails bringing the entire community into the post-ColdWar era .

  30. 不断优化智囊团的组织结构;

    To optimize the organization structure of the brain trust ;