- 名think tank;brain trust;think factory

[brain trust] 指与制定计划和策略有关,并且时常没有官方的或被承认的地位的专家教授们
Unlike the BBC 's Brain Trust , they ask , not answer , questions .
The candidate 's brain trust is gathering this weekend to plan strategy for the primary election .
The president faces conflicting advice from his brain trust .
The bank for International Settlements showed far more prescience ahead of the crisis than big bankers or the government brain trusts now reforming how they are regulated .
The report was commissioned by the center for a new American security , a US think-tank , before the latest incidents , and focuses on the US military and civilian analysts employed by the Department of defence .
But according to a new study from the Kauffman Foundation , a Kansas City think tank that studies entrepreneurship , that image is a myth .
Alp Mehmet with the think tank Migration Watch approves of the government 's cap .
The research was carried out by thinktank Demos and is due to be published in full on Good Friday .
A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .
Most tax cuts provide incentives for growth , which is not his main goal , says Alan Viard , a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute , the right-wing think-tank .
On the basis of management of project lifecycle , According to the different business fluent of client 、 expert 、 brainpower and administrator , the paper constitute the architecture of whole system by UML .
Another study , a report by think-tank Demos entitled'Good Growth ' , suggests that Britain is one of the worst places to live in Europe .
Yet new statistics from the OECD , a rich-country think-tank , and Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) show that the global " network of networks " is shaped by local forces .
Heres some cutting-edge research from Penny Mansfield , director of the marriage think-tank One Plus One , that points to a long and happy marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton .
After all , I have spent much of my life travelling around the globe and love participating in international debates of the type that the CFR think-tank stages so well .
' All of a sudden , the world opens up to them , ' says Michael Horn , executive director of education for the Clayton Christensen Institute , a San Mateo , Calif. , education and health-care think tank .
EarthSky spoke with Carl Haub , a demographer at the Population Reference Bureau , a Washington D.C. - based think-tank , about why the population is getting older .
Robert Whelan of the Civitas civic value think-tank said : " This is an incredible collapse , not just because of the extent but because of the speed .
Yes , says Jules Polonetsky , director of the Future of Privacy Forum , a think-tank based in Washington , DC , who by his own admission does not always see eye-to-eye with him .
The findings were in line with the findings of our survey last year on absenteeism around the world , said Joyce Maroney , director the Workforce Institute at Kronos , the think tanks of the workforce management company that commissioned the Harris interactive online poll .
China Center Director Kenneth Liberthal is with Washington , D.C. 's Brookings Institution - a government policy research group . He said , " That suggests that the discussion that had occurred during the previous several days in Beijing had gone very well .
The grouping acts as a think tank for the government .
Us think-tank focussing on the environment , development and security .
JUSTLONG is in possession of the most excellent think tank .
There was a whole back-up team of intellectuals , writers .
To improve the operation procedure of the brain trust strongly ;
To improve the quality of members of the brain trust .
He thinks he 's got a monopoly on brains .
Another effort entails bringing the entire community into the post-ColdWar era .
To optimize the organization structure of the brain trust ;