
  1. 智慧财产法院或其分院应适用之类别及其变更,由司法院以命令定之。

    Judicial Yuan shall determine applicable categories of Intellectual Property Court , its sub-court , and their alteration .

  2. 试署法官或候补法官调智慧财产法院办事期间,计入其试署法官或候补法官年资。

    The period in which transferred intern judge or backup judge serves in Intellectual Property Court shall be included in his seniority .

  3. 司法院得视地理环境及案件多寡,增设智慧财产法院分院。

    Judicial Yuan is entitled to establish additional intellectual property sub-courts on the basis of physical environment and the number of cases .

  4. 其他依法律规定或经司法院指定由智慧财产法院管辖之案件。

    Other cases that should be under the jurisdiction of Intellectual Property Court as prescribed by law or under the designation of Judicial Yuan .

  5. 智慧财产法院依法掌理关于智慧财产之民事诉讼、刑事诉讼及行政诉讼之审判事务。

    The job entries of Intellectual Property Court cover the hearing and decision of civil action , criminal action and administrative action involving intellectual property .

  6. 台湾地区智慧财产法院正式设立并开始运作两年来,提高了智慧财产案件审判的专业性及效率。

    Since the establishment and operation of Taiwan 's intellectual property court over the past two years , the professional efficiency of intellectual property trial has improved .

  7. 智慧财产法院审判案件,民事第一审诉讼程式及行政诉讼简易程式,以法官一人独任行之;

    When Intellectual Property Court tries cases , a single judge alone shall try the case in which litigation procedure and administrative litigation summary procedure are followed .