
  • 网络Intelligent Planning;AI Planning;artificial intelligence planning
  1. 通过分析经典的智能规划技术和HTN智能规划技术,说明HTN智能规划技术对自动的语义Web服务组合的支持。

    By analyzing the classic AI planning and HTN planning , illustrate HTN planning supports automatic Semantic Web services composition .

  2. 目前,人工智能规划已经被普遍的应用于机器人领域。

    Recently , AI planning has been commonly applied to robot field .

  3. 基于智能规划的本体语义Web服务组合

    Ontology Semantic Web Services Composition Based on Al Planning

  4. 基于空间GIS的城市中压配电网络智能规划(二)多分段多联络接线模式的自动布局


  5. 以去除金属量最少为目标函数,建立了单排刀具和多排刀具的V型铣削去重模型。并开发了两种去重方式的智能规划系统。

    Minimum removed metal is taken as object , single cutter and multi-cutter V-milling correction model was build Intelligent programming system of the two methods was developed .

  6. 目前,智能规划的应用已经扩展到航天领域,Ariane火箭和RAX(RemoteAgentExperiment)中也都采用了规划方法。

    Presently , intelligent planning has applied in the space domain , such as Ariane Rocket and RAX ( Remote Agent Experiment ) .

  7. 针对电机转子的自动动平衡校正,对R型铣削和V型铣削校正方式进行了研究。全自动动平衡机去重建模与智能规划

    Aiming at automated balance correction of electric motor armatures , contour milling and V-milling correction was studied . Model Building and Intelligent Programming System for Electric Motor Armatures Automated Balance Correction

  8. 对智能规划平台中的配电网架结构优化规划,本文提出了地理信息系统和改进的微分演化算法组成混合微分演化算法GDE(Geo-differentialevolution,GDE)。

    The paper proposes a mixed algorithm GDE ( Geo Differential Evolution , GDE ) to proceed distribution network structural intelligent planning .

  9. 同时,智能规划的求解方法由最初的用归结定理证明的方法求解规划,扩展为用STRIPS方法求解规划问题,及将规划问题转化为可满足问题来求解和采用模型检测的方法来求解规划问题。

    The resolving methods coming from resolution theorem proving , to STRIPS methods , and converting planning problems to satisfiability problems and exploiting Model checking methods to solve planning problems .

  10. 在今年举行的IPC-4(2004InternationalPlanningCompetition),第一次把概率域列入了竞赛的项目,再一次表明了概率规划在智能规划研究领域中的重要地位。

    In the 2004 International Planning Competition that hold this year , list the probability domain in the project of the contest for the first time . This indicates again that probabilistic planning is the important status of the research field in intelligent planning .

  11. 上层动作序列规划是典型的智能规划问题,用智能规划求解UCAV对地攻击飞行前动作序列规划问题是可行的思路。

    The former one is a typical intelligent planning problem . Using intelligent planning method to solve the UCAV ground attack tactical operation planning problem is a feasible idea .

  12. 基于粗糙集的智能规划算法的研究

    Research on Algorithm of Intelligent Planning Based on Rough Set

  13. 智能规划中互斥动作延迟算法

    Arithmetic study on interfering actions deferment in the intelligent planning

  14. 天文卫星巡天扫描智能规划模型及仿真

    Intelligent Model of Astronomical Satellite Using GA for Scanning the Celestial Sphere

  15. 计算机兴机器人,智能规划快发展。

    Computer-hing , robotics , rapid development of intelligent planning .

  16. 济南电网智能规划决策支持系统

    The Intelligent Plan System of Jinan Electric Power Network

  17. 智能规划研究综述&一个面向应用的视角

    Survey on AI planning research & an application-oriented perspective

  18. 石油长输管道最优智能规划

    Optimum programming of petroleum pipeline by artificial intelligent technique

  19. 以对地观测卫星为例,分析卫星的结构功能和飞行任务的特点,并在此基础上建立卫星智能规划与调度系统。

    An intelligent planning and scheduling system for earth observation satellite is developed .

  20. 基于智能规划的时间表问题研究

    AI Planning-based Algorithm to Solve the Timetabling Problem

  21. 可重组自动装配夹具编码及智能规划专家系统的研究

    Research On Coding System and Intelligent Planning Expert System of Reconfigurable Automatic Assembly Fixture

  22. 基于聚类和微元法的林草业智能规划系统

    Intelligent Planning System of Forestation and Grass Based on Clustering and Infinitesimal Dividing Method

  23. 智能规划与规划识别是人工智能领域近年来发展起来的非常热门的分支。

    Nowadays , Intelligent Planning and Planning Recognition are very hot branch in Artificial Intelligence .

  24. 智能规划与规划识别是目前人工智能研究的热点领域之一。

    Intelligent planning and plan recognition is one of hot research field of artificial intelligence .

  25. 基于规划图原理和启发式状态空间搜索的智能规划算法在众多的智能规划算法中表现十分突出。

    Most Artificial Intelligent Planning algorithms are based on planning graph or state space search .

  26. 基于扩展规则的模型计数与智能规划方法

    Model Counting and Planning Using Extension Rule

  27. 小流域智能规划系统的研究与应用

    Intelligent Planning System for Small Watersheds

  28. 基于启发式搜索的智能规划方法研究

    Research on the Heuristic-search-based AI Planning

  29. 同时为了适应复杂系统的移植,将智能规划理论应用到软件重构中来。

    This thesis applies the intelligent planning theory into software refactoring to instruct the refactoring operation choice .

  30. 分析了基于服务类型的智能规划组合方法的特点和缺陷。

    Meanwhile , we describe characteristic and disadvantages of AI planning composition based on service type . 2 .