
jué cè lùn
  • decision theory;decision-making theory
  1. 决策论的新领域&对抗分析原理简介

    New area of decision theory : an introduction to conflict analysis

  2. 对基于决策论的数字信号调制识别方法的改进

    Improved method of digital signals modulation identification based on decision theory

  3. 将决策论识别方法和累积量识别方法的识别向量结合起来,并通过神经网络训练识别特征点,对DVB-H、WCDMA、WLAN三网中可能出现的绝大多数数字调制信号进行调制模式识别。

    The recognition vectors of the decision-theoretic approach and the cumulant-based approach are combined , and the reference points are trained in RBF neural network to recognize most of the modulation types which may appear in DVB-H , WCDMA and WLAN . 4 .

  4. 决策论在钻头选型中的应用

    Application of the Decision - Making Theory in Bit Type Selection

  5. 两方向决策论与可持续发展&关于人口发展与资源环境协调的理论探讨

    Theory of Decision making Pointing to Two Directions and Sustainable Development

  6. 决策论应用问题研究&计算机辅助绘制效用曲线

    An Applied Research of Decision Theory : Computer-Aided Determining of Utility Curve

  7. 研究决策论的人声称,这是非理性的。

    This , decision theorists claim , is irrational .

  8. 决策论的两类判据

    On two groups of criterions in decision theory

  9. 模糊数学决策论在楼盖设计中应用的探讨

    Discussions on the Application of the Decision Theory of Fuzzy Mathematics to Floor Structure Design

  10. 编辑主体的价值决策论要

    On Editors ' Value Decision of Theses

  11. 决策论中的协方差方法与信号检测论

    The covariance decomposition of the mean probability score in decision theory and theory of signal detection

  12. 用决策论选择最佳方案的一个实例谨慎性原则在会计核算中的运用

    A concrete example of selecting the best scheme by the application of the policy & making theory

  13. 因此,或许你可以让自己坚强起来,遵循决策论,追逐更高的预期价值。

    So perhaps you can steel yourself to follow decision theory and go for the higher expected value .

  14. 新的企业组织和管理形式不断出现,传统的决策论和博弈论已不能很好地描述,需要有分析合作与竞争策略的新方法。

    New orgainzation structures and management methods cannot be described properly in the framework of traditional game theory and decision theory .

  15. 关于信息计量应是多方面的,目前包括:基于信息论的情报测度研究、基于决策论的情报测度研究、基于知识论的情报测度研究、基于经济学的情报测度研究。

    At present it include : Information science based , Decision-making based , Knowledge based and Economics based information measure research .

  16. 简要介绍了决策论中不确定型决策的基本概念和5种不确定型决策准则。

    In this paper , the basic concepts of uncertain decision in decision theory and the five uncertain decision principles are presented .

  17. 这包括建立在决策论和风险分析基础上的技术,它们将发现对于不确定性最可靠的选项。

    These include techniques based on decision theory and risk analysis that identify the options that are most robust to the uncertainty .

  18. 对于模拟调制方式,基于决策论的算法可以识别调幅、调频、单边带和双边带等调制类型。

    The analogue modulation recognizer utilized the decision-theoretic approach that a set of decision criteria for identifying different types of modulations is developed .

  19. 我曾经开过一门繁难的决策论课程达数年,我在前面说过,《廊桥遗梦》的主题是最繁难的选择。

    I taught a rigorous course in decision theory for years , and as I said earlier Bridges is a book about hard choices .

  20. 目前区域经济分析常用的数学方法有多元统计、线性规划和决策论。

    There are multivariate statistical analysis 、 linear programming and decision theory in the mathematic mothod we often used to analysis regional economy at present .

  21. 供热管网可靠性评价是一个涉及概率论、随机过程理论和决策论等交叉学科的课题。

    The evaluation of heat-supply network based on reliability is a crossed subject task , which involved probability theory , stochastic process theory and decision-making theory .

  22. 本文拟从现代政治学、制度经济学、决策论以及博弈论等多维视野,对现代美国利益集团的组织原理、作用形式和作用机制,作一个比较系统的深入考察。

    This paper aims at studying the American interest , groups ' organizing theory , action form and action mechanism mainly from the angle of politics theory .

  23. 分析了蓄冷式空调系统的多元特性,得到在制冷效果、投资、回收期以及对环境影响等因素下的决策论域和影响指标函数集。

    Analyzes the multi performance of cooling storage system to get decision-making function that affected by COP , investment , the period of callback and factors which affect circumstance .

  24. 其主要目的是把决策论域中的对象在模糊环境下进行排序,或者按某些模糊限制条件从决策论域中选出最优对象。

    Its major goal is to order the objects in decision discourse under fuzzy environment or to pick out the optimal objects from decision discourse according to some fuzzy constraints .

  25. 好了,贝叶斯决策论的重点就在于这个理论提供了一种计算方法,能找到最优的办法来整合,知识积累和感官输入这两种信息源以生成新的置信值。

    And the point about Bayesian decision theory is it gives you the mathematics of the optimal way to combine your prior knowledge with your sensory evidence to generate new beliefs .

  26. 本文以抚顺市为例,运用多目标突变决策论解决城市规划中主城区发展方向决策的问题。

    With taking an example of Fushun city , this article applies multiobjective mutation decision theory in solving the problems of the development orientation of the main city zone in urban planning .

  27. 为此,我来介绍一个在过去50年里统计学和机器学习方面都很常用到的架构,叫做贝叶斯决策论。

    And to do that , I 'm going to tell you about a framework which is very popular in statistics and machine learning of the last 50 years called Bayesian decision theory .

  28. 在此基础上对上述六种典型的数字信号亦采用决策论识别方法进行调制识别,并与小波变换方法进行比较。

    The decision theory is also used to do modulation recognition for the six digital signals mentioned above . Further more , we compare the effect of decision theory with that of wavelet transform .

  29. 本文提出基于决策论与星座图的综合调制识别器,使用信号的峰度区分调制类型是模拟调制还是数字调制。

    The modulation recognizer based on the decision-theoretic approach and the constellation diagram is proposed and the signal 's kurtosis is used as the indicator to differentiate the analogue modulation from the digital modulation .

  30. 从决策论的观点出发,把组合预测中各单项预测模型的误差平方和视为合作的结果,再按最小二乘法在各单项预测模型中进行分配,从而获得组合预测权系数确定的一种方法。

    From decision point of view , error square sum of individual model of combination forecasting is regarded as cooperative result , which is distributed in the individual model according to the least square method .