
  • 网络Decision making ability;determinate
  1. 不要总是向我征求意见,发挥一下你们自己的决断能力吧。

    Don 't keep asking me for advice , use your own initiative .

  2. 希尔斯先生在应对险情时表现出了他的决断能力和英勇。

    Mr hills showed initiative and bravery when dealing with a dangerous situation .

  3. 你不会得到很多帮助,你得用你自己的决断能力。

    You won 't get much help . You 'll have to use your own initiative .

  4. 麦当劳又一次显示了其在任命新老板方面的快速决断能力。

    After all , McDonald 's had , again , shown how to act swiftly and decisively in appointing a new boss .

  5. 指出助理裁判员应加强选位能力、提高心理素质和决断能力,从而提高判罚越位的能力。

    The assistant referee should enhance the ability of offside sanctions through strengthening the ability of choosing position , improving psychological quality and enhancing resolution .

  6. 运动员在紧张激烈、瞬息万变的比赛中迅速选择战术和合理运用技巧的瞬间决断能力,是决定比赛能否克敌制胜的重要因素。

    Players ' swift choice of tactics and proper application of skills in a tense , fast changing game is the key to the winning of the game .

  7. 这巡官是一个有决断能力的人,立刻命令大家都不要对呼叫答腔,而且必须改变路线,他手下的人都要加倍快捷地向发出喊声的地方靠拢。

    The sergeant , a decisive man , ordered that the sound should not be answered , but that the course should be changed , and that his men should make towards it'at the double .

  8. 自我概念是指个体用以认识、理解、思考和决断的能力系统。

    Self-concept is the ability system which an individual can use to know , understand , thinking and determine .

  9. 得益于做出有效决断的能力,有能力的员工在日常工作中面临危机时也能镇定自若。

    Powerful employees often get to where they are largely because of their ability to make solid decisions while under the gun during day-to-day business .

  10. 人们翘首期盼进一步提高基层检察院委员会的审议案件、决断案件的能力,增加基层检察委员会的威信和可信度。

    People expect that committee enhance the ability of determination of cases and increase the prosecutorial committee authority and credibility of the Commission .

  11. 遭受意志力丧失的;表现出行为或决断的反常的能力缺失。

    Suffering from abulia ; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions .

  12. 真的我觉得说不也是一种能显示你的决断和决心的能力。

    Indeed I feel that to say no is also a kind of ability showing your decisiveness and resolution .

  13. 弱点源于人性的缺点或过失,尤指意志不坚定遭受意志力丧失的;表现出行为或决断的反常的能力缺失。

    A fault , especially weakness of resolution , arising from the imperfections of human nature . suffering from abulia ; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions .