
  1. 职业培训机构已成为大中专院校与用人企业之间的有效衔接桥梁。

    VT institutes have been bridging colleges and employers effectively .

  2. 论大中专院校在毕业生资源配置中的职能和任务

    On Functions of Colleges and Universities in Graduates ' Job - assignment

  3. 合理安排大中专院校高水平运动队训练时间的探讨

    The Discussion about Appropriately Arranging Training Time of High Level Teams in Colleges

  4. 大中专院校专业技术档案管理的现状及对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasure of Professional Technique File Management in High School

  5. 大中专院校设立教育市场专业机构的构想

    An Idea of Setting up Specialty Department of Education Market in Colleges and Universities

  6. 可用于大中专院校开设的《微机原理与应用》相关课程的配套实验。

    It can be used in the experiments of computer theory and applications courses .

  7. 浅谈在大中专院校学生中培养篮球裁判员

    On the Training of Basketball Referees in the Students of Colleges and Secondary Technical Schools

  8. 文章简述了在大中专院校设立教育市场专业机构的必要性。

    This paper describes the necessity of setting up specialty department of education market in colleges and universities .

  9. 介绍了一种适合于大中专院校单片机教学的实验仪器。

    A sort of experiment instrument for single chip machine ( SCM ) teaching in college is introduced .

  10. 邢台市大中专院校体育资源社会化的研究与探讨(大专院校的)助教。

    Research and Discussion on the Socialization of Sports Resources in Colleges and Technical Secondary Schools of Xingtai ;

  11. 与院校对接,建立大中专院校毕业生人才数据库为院校毕业生就业拓宽渠道。

    Docking with the university to establish a database of graduates , to help broaden employment channels . 7 .

  12. 随着信息化时代的到来,大中专院校校园网的发展也初具规模。

    With the arrival of the information ages , particularly , the development of the campus network is scaled .

  13. 同时,针对陕北大中专院校体育课程资源的开发与利用存在的一些问题,提出了相应的措施。

    At the same time , for physical education colleges in Northern resources development and utilization of existing problems , the corresponding measures .

  14. 对大中专院校推进后勤社会化工作中存在的问题进行了探讨,并就此提出了对策和措施。

    This paper focuses on the existing problems in socializing logistics service in colleges and secondary schools and puts forward some strategies and measures .

  15. 适用于各类大中专院校及职业技术类学校,汽车专业的教学与实验、实训。

    It is suitable for teaching aid experiment and practice of major in automotive for different kinds of junior or senior technical schools and colleges .

  16. 介绍了一个面向应用、适合于大中专院校和其他教育部门使用的计算机考试系统的设计思想、实现方法及系统特色。

    The article gives a minute description of the Application Oriented Computer Adaptive Test System , designed for the college , university and other education departments .

  17. 采用分布式控制系统作为电机教学实验室的蓝本,可以提高测试系统的标准化程度,方便教学工作的展开,同时又使系统在大中专院校和工厂的检测实验室中具有较好的可移植性和扩展能力。

    Using the distributed-control-system as the blueprint for electrical teaching laboratory , which can improve the degree of standardization of test system , and facilitate teaching work .

  18. 网站运行结果表明,本系统基本可以满足大中专院校对于学生学籍信息的管理,并具有良好的安全性和可行性。

    Website operation shows that : The system can satisfy colleges and university to manage student status information management and it also has good safety and reliability .

  19. 高教文化区是一个城市的特定区域,区域聚集多所大中专院校和科研院所,人口密度大,环境污染影响范围广。

    There are many colleges and research institutes in the higher education cultural district , where the population density is high and the impact of the environmental pollution is wide .

  20. 大中专院校办高水平运动队是新形势下学校素质教育和竞技体育改革的一个重要尝试,并已经得到了初步发展。

    It 's an important try for many colleges to set up high level teams in the new position of quality education and sports reformation , which has gotten initial development .

  21. 结果通过对100名护理人员社区护理知识及技能调查显示:不同学历护理人员对社区护理的了解程度无显著差异(P>0.05),说明大中专院校和自学考试的课程设计中社区护理内容欠缺。

    Results Through the investigation of 100 nurses about their community nursing knowledge and techniques , there were no significant differences between different levels of education ( P > 0.05 ) .

  22. 财经类人才对于我国发展市场经济有着特殊重要的意义,在大中专院校中建立诚信教育机制意义重大。

    Financial talents play the important role in the development of our market-oriented economy , so it is quite important to set up the educational mechanism of integrity in colleges and universities .

  23. 可以与物流仓储相关院校进行广泛合作,一方面,促进了大中专院校学生的就业,另一方面,也为不断发展的物流金融培养了储备人才。

    On the one hand , it can promoting the employment of colleges and universities students , on the other hand , training the reserve personnel for the continuous development of logistics finance .

  24. 大陆校园民谣是根植于校园文化、校园生活之中,是一种以当代大中专院校的学生为主自我创作的反映校园生活、歌词自然朴实、旋律清新明朗、抒发情感的创作型流行歌曲。

    Campus Folk is a lyric and creative popular song with plain song lyric and fresh tune which roots in campus culture and campus life , created by college students and reflects campus life .

  25. 使得运用先进的软件开发平台和数据库开发的管理信息系统,对学生的信息进行规范化和网络化管理,成为各大中专院校信息系统的发展趋势。

    Makes that students ' information management standardization and network with advanced software development platform and database development management information system , and it becomes a management trends of information systems of major colleges .

  26. 《计算机辅助教学系统》是教学课件及考试题库的制作、建立、管理与使用的制作平台,是应用于大中专院校的教学与考试的软件。

    " The computer assistant education system " is a system that it can provide the user with a plateform that can develop and manage and use the CAI software , it is applied in the universities .

  27. 毕业班健康教育开课率和控烟是学校健康教育的薄弱环节,大中专院校的健康教育、学校教职员工的健康教育和资料收集与归档工作没有得到应有的重视。

    The rate of having health education lessons in senior classes and smoking control are the weakness of school health education . Health education in colleges , health education on school staffs and file collection should be emphasized .

  28. 本文对存在的问题进行了深入探究,并在此基础上提出了加强伊犁地区大中专院校少数民族学生思想政治教育的措施,以期提高伊犁地区大中专院校思想政治教育工作的实效性。

    From conducted in-depth Inquiry , proposed measures to strengthen ideological and political education of minority students in the Yili region colleges , with a view to improving the effectiveness of colleges ideological and political education work in Yili .

  29. 从中小学到高校,都有规模不等的机房来供给学生使用,而在许多大中专院校,要建设大型的机房才能满足学生学习要求。

    From primary and secondary schools to universities , to build computer rooms to meet the supply of students . those rooms have many Scales . In many colleges , construct large-scale room to meet the requirements of students studying .

  30. 方法:使用分层抽样的方法于2006-02对徐州市4所不同专业类型大中专院校的800名一、二年级大学生,进行了艾滋病相关知识、态度及行为的问卷调查。

    METHODS : With stratified sampling method , 800 freshmen and sophomore with different majors from 4 academies and colleges in the north Jiangsu were selected at February 2006 for an investigation about the knowledge and attitude about AIDS using questionnaire .