
  1. 结合大区制系统的特点,分析了算法中相应参数的设置。

    Finally , the choice of relevant parameters in algorithm is analyzed .

  2. 正文第三部分总结分析了大学院与大学区制失败的原因。

    The causes of its failure are analyzed in last section .

  3. 正文第二部分对大学院和大学区制的创立作了详细的介绍,并对其开始试行到最后失败的过程进行了较为详尽的叙述。

    The second section introduces the specific details on its foundation , operation and failure .

  4. 民国教育史上一次昙花一现的改革&大学院与大学区制的试行

    A short-lived educational reform in the Republic of China & the attempted system of university institute and the university district

  5. 在民国时期的大学院和大学区制的变革最终失败的过程中,派系斗争是其失败的重要原因。

    Factional struggle played an important role in the final failure of the system reform of university institute and university district .

  6. 1927年南京国民政府成立之初,在蔡元培的主持下进行了一次著名的教育行政制度改革,即出台并试行了大学院与大学区制。

    When the former National Government was first built in 1927 , the system called the System of University Institution and University District was thus established and was tried out .

  7. 论文正文第一部分介绍了大学院和大学区制产生的背景。大学院和大学区制的创立基于教育独立的思想,它产生的背景是民国时期的教育独立思潮;

    The first section of this paper deals with the background of the university council and the university district based on the educational independent thought in the education independent thought in Nationalist China .

  8. 大学院和大学区制的主要倡导者和领导人是民国时期著名教育家蔡元培,大学院事件也是蔡元培人生的一大转折。

    Cai Yuanpei , the eminent educator in Nationalist China , is the main advocator and leader of the university council and university district , " the case of university council " is also the turning point of his life .