
  • 网络grand coalition;union;combine;grand alliance
  1. 德国试图对不受欢迎的国外投资者树立保护性壁垒的举措,已受到总理安吉拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)难以驾驭的大联合政府(GrandCoalition)内部日益紧张的政治关系的制约。

    Germany 's attempt to erect a protective barrier against unwanted foreign investors has become hostage to the mounting political tensions in Chancellor Angela Merkel 's fractious grand coalition .

  2. 类似的建议是:继续举行大选,但不论结果如何,都组建一个大联合政府。

    Similar to this is the suggestion to let the elections go ahead , but to have a grand coalition irrespective of the outcome .

  3. 他积极参与了促进基督教各派大联合的运动。

    He was deeply involved in the ecumenical movement .

  4. 一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。

    An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company .

  5. 大团结、大联合与共同奋斗是统一战线的主题。

    Its themes are uniting , consolidation and joint struggle .

  6. 两位牧师都作为基督教大联合促进小组的成员在工作。

    Both chaplains work as part of an ecumenical team .

  7. 汽车产业大联合与企业集团的管理性整合

    The Union of the Automobile Industry and the Management Integration of Enterprise Groups

  8. 大联合中央空调系统采用集中式中央空调一次回风系统。

    The unite central air-conditioning system adopts concentrative central air-condition in which wind circles one times .

  9. 安吉拉.默克尔大联合政府的运作从一开始就注定不会一帆风顺。

    IT WAS never going to be easy for Angela Merkel to run a grand coalition government .

  10. 是技术进步在引导着这一大联合。这些技术进步已使储存信息以及向家庭和办公室快速传输信息更为容易。

    Directing the union are technological advances that have made it easier to store and rapidly transmit information into homes and offices .

  11. 统一战线的主题是大团结、大联合,其根本任务是争取人心、凝聚力量,归根到底是要增强中华民族凝聚力。

    The theme for the United Front is great unity , and its major task is to enhance the national cohesion of the Chinese nationality .

  12. 建立大联合政府将在德国国内构筑政治信心,而这样的政治信心将支持默克尔实施一系列改革,以便确保欧元区更加稳定。

    By embracing such a coalition , Merkel would have the political confidence at home to support a number of reforms to ensure a more stable eurozone .

  13. 在气氛热烈的讨论中,“大联合”思路逐渐现形。这种思路在几小时之后的副会长会议上再次出现,并更加明朗化起来。

    The thought of " big association " was shaped through passionate discussions and came up again in the conference several hours later and became much clearer gradually .

  14. 军工复合体产生于二战期间,是包括军工企业、行政部门、国会系统和智库在内的大联合。

    Industry Complex generated during 2nd world war and it is a big departmental alliance , it contains executive branchs , military enterprises , congressmen and think tanks .

  15. 本文介绍了国内几大联合编目中心的概况,结合样书进行下载率调查分析,为选择加入联合编目中心提供依据。

    This paper introduced general situations of several domestic union catalogue center , analysed the book download rate , and provided the basis for the combined catalogue center selection .

  16. 但这并不意味着默克尔女士将肯定角逐下届大选。安吉拉.默克尔大联合政府的运作从一开始就注定不会一帆风顺。

    This does not mean Ms Merkel has a clear run to the next federal election . IT WAS never going to be easy for Angela Merkel to run a grand coalition government .

  17. 通过透视汽车产业大联合,及借鉴日本丰田生产体制和网络系统经验,强调建立企业集团的管理性整合,并进而推动民族汽车工业的发展。

    In studying the union of the automobile industry and the production and network system in Japan , building the management integration of enterprise groups is emphasized , and therefore the national automobile industry is promoted .

  18. 历史观:历史者,观往迹制今宜者也;无时代之变易则无历史之生活;观念造成文明以及圣贤救世与民众的大联合思想。

    Historical view : history is used to make suitable judgements for the present world ; without change of times , there would be no historical life ; concepts result in civilization and saints save the world and people should be united .

  19. 统一战线具有大团结、大联合和组织有序政治参与的功能,充分发挥这些功能,才能实现党对社会的领导,从而构建社会主义和谐社会。

    The functions of the United Front include great unity , great cooperation and organization of orderly political participation . Only if we give full play to these functions can we practice the Party 's leadership over the society , thus constructing a socialist harmonious society .

  20. 我从这些高贵品格中看到了最可靠的保证:其一,任何地方偏见或地方感情,任何意见分歧或党派敌视,都不能使我们偏离全局观念和公平观点,即必须维护这个由不同地区和不同利益所组成的大联合;

    In these honorable qualifications I behold the surest pledges that as on one side no local prejudices or attachments , no separate views nor party animosities , will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests ,

  21. 在学校读书时那些大男孩联合起来欺负他,辱骂他。

    At school the older boys ganged up on him and called him names .

  22. 创立于1967的大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)信心指数昨日显示,2月份,消费者对于目前状况的感觉更加糟糕。

    The Conference Board confidence index , created in 1967 , showed yesterday that consumers felt worse about current conditions in February .

  23. 我们应探讨建立一支规模更大的联合国(un)常备维和力量,用于部署到失败国家的可能性。

    We should explore the possibility of creating a larger standby United Nations peacekeeping force for deployment in failed states .

  24. 结论大剂量联合化疗加小剂量G-CSF动员方案是安全有效的。

    Conclusion Huge dose combined chemotherapy plus lower dose G-CSF mobilization regimen are safe and effective .

  25. 昨天早些时候,大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)报告,随着人们担心商业环境恶化,就业市场走软,美国消费者信心重挫至9个月来的最低点。

    Earlier yesterday , the Conference Board reported that US consumers ' confidence tumbled to its lowest level in nine months amid fears over deteriorating business conditions and a weaker jobs market .

  26. 智库大企业联合会(TheConferenceBoard)表示,大多数国家的产出和就业数据表明,去年只有印度和撒哈拉以南的非洲地区的劳动生产率增速有所加快。

    The Conference Board , a think-tank , said official data on output and employment from most countries showed that only India and sub-Saharan Africa enjoyed faster labour productivity growth last year .

  27. 根据大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)发布的一个令人惊叹的数据库,按购买力平价计算,中国2009年的国内生产总值(GDP)为美国的80%。

    According to the wonderful database published by the Conference Board , its gross domestic product , at purchasing power parity , was 80 per cent of that of the US in 2009 .

  28. CePa在线分析平台由客户端、网站服务器和计算服务器三大模块联合构建而成。

    CEPA online analysis platform is built jointly by the three modules & client , web server and computing server .

  29. 目的:研究大剂量联合化疗(HDCT)加粒细胞集落刺激因子(GCSF)对外周血造血干细胞的动员作用。

    Purpose : To explore the effect of high-dose combination chemotherapy and low dose G-CSF on peripheral blood stem cell ( PBSC ) mobilization .

  30. 病人行诱导化疗完全缓解后,采用大剂量联合化疗加小剂量粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)进行外周造血干细胞动员。

    When 18 patients received mitigation after neoadjuvant chemotherapy , we used huge dose combined chemotherapy plus lower dose G-CSF to mobile peripheral blood .