
  • 网络large group
  1. 因此本文基于偏好冲突建立了多目标多阶段复杂大群体应急决策模型和马尔科夫冲突状态转移模型,具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。

    So based on the conflict this article establish a multi-objective multi-stage complex emergency decision-making model for large groups and a markov state conflict transition model .

  2. 提出的方案能有效抵制联合攻击,打开群签名的效率与群规模无关,因此非常适合于大群体。

    The proposed scheme can effectively resist coalition attacks , and the efficiency is also independent with the group size , which results that the scheme is fit for large groups .

  3. 微软高管强调指出,这些手机将在设计上吸引消费者和商业用户这两大群体,迄今为止,商业用户是windows智能手机的主要购买者。

    Microsoft executives emphasised that these handsets will be designed to appeal to consumers as well as business users who , to date , have been the main buyers of Windows-Powered smartphones .

  4. EdX学生中,不到三分之一来自美国,第二大群体来自印度。

    Less than one-third of edX 's students come from the US , with the second-largest group from India .

  5. 公共选择理论(Public-choicetheory)表明,可从一项政策中获得大量利益的小团体往往会凌驾于大群体之上,而大群体的每个人最终将会出现少量的损失。

    Public-choice theory suggests that a small group with much to gain from a policy will tend to prevail against a large group who stand to each lose a small amount .

  6. 因此,包含标记值的各种方法(MS、IS、GMS和GMPS)应在大群体进行。

    So , all the methods taking marker score as a selection criterion ( MS , IS , GMS and GMPS ) should be carried out in large populations .

  7. 但是,美国普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)的理查德·D·马特斯(RichardD.Mattes)和共同作者综述了调查美国和国外的大群体的研究,发现最常见的情况是,吃坚果的成年人体重小于不吃坚果者。

    But a review of studies of large populations here and abroad by Richard D. Mattes of Purdue University and co-authors most often found that adults who eat nuts weigh less than nut avoiders .

  8. 花旗(Citi)分析师表示,中国的外来务工人员和学生人数增长率近年有所下降,这对方便面生产商来说是坏消息,因为这两大群体是方便食品的消费主力。

    Analysts at Citi say the rates of growth in migrant worker and student populations in China have been shrinking in recent years – bad news for noodle makers as these groups are large consumers of such convenience foods .

  9. 这是我看到的两个大群体的一个显著差别。

    This is the one great difference between these two groups .

  10. 复杂大群体决策支持系统结构及实现技术研究

    Research on complex large group decision support system structure and realization technology

  11. 同时对大群体决策的冲突性决策方法研究很少。

    Large group conflicting decision making research is rarely studied .

  12. 你的大群体怎么定义

    What , to you , is a large crowd ?

  13. 一种面向效用值偏好信息的大群体决策方法

    A kind of large group decision-making method oriented utility valued preference information

  14. 信息不完全确定的大群体多准则语言决策方法

    Multi-criteria Large-group Linguistic Decision-making Approach with Incomplete Certain Information

  15. 这样的大群体有利于检出稀有的突变或重组子。

    These large populations facilitate the detection of rare mutational or recombinational events .

  16. 改进的聚类算法及在复杂大群体决策中的应用

    Improved clustering algorithm and its application in complex huge group decision - making

  17. 第三章主要是对三大群体居民生活满意度进行综合研究。

    The third chapter studied the residents ' life satisfaction of three groups .

  18. 为了提高大群体的分析效率,采用侧翼分子标记分析策略。

    We employed the flanking marker approach to improve the efficiency of large population analysis .

  19. 有效的适合大群体群签名

    Efficient Group Signature Scheme for Large Group

  20. 美国这个大群体是历史上崭新的事物。

    This great community of the United States is an altogether new thing in history .

  21. 世界上有两大群体。

    The world was two groups .

  22. 中国旅客是赴日旅游的第二大群体,现在他们已经失去热情了。

    Chinese tourists , who make up the second largest group , have lost their enthusiasm .

  23. 他现在计划对约30位患者构成的更大群体测试这项技术。

    He now plans to test the technique on a larger group of about 30 patients .

  24. 我在小群体面前能自如讲话但没法在大群体面前演讲

    I am perfectly comfortable speaking to small groups . I cannot speak to large crowds .

  25. 结果也支持中华民族包含南北两大群体的观点。

    Our results also supported that the Chinese Nation comprises two major populations of north and south .

  26. 相反,大众文化是包含不同种族的大群体,通常高度个性化而且不断在变化。

    By contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and constantly changing .

  27. 第一大群体是世界上的超级富豪,包括创新者、交易员和银行家。

    The first is a global super-rich , made up of the innovators , traders and bankers .

  28. 针对多指标多标度大群体决策问题,提出了一种基于证据推理的决策方法。

    This paper proposes a method for large group decision making with multi-attribute and multi-identifier based on evidential reasoning .

  29. 本文的方法为解决大群体决策问题提供了一种新途径,具有实际应用价值。

    The method provides a new way to solve the large group decision making problem and has practical application value .

  30. 近些年,菏泽市依托当地林木资源优势,形成了一批小规模、大群体、区域性发展的林产品加工企业。

    During the recent years , Heze city built up a group of wood-processing factories with the timber resource advantage .