
wài lián wǎnɡ
  • extranet
  1. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)是企事业单位构建内联网、外联网和实现远程接入的主要方法,而安全隧道技术是VPN的核心技术。

    Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is a prevailing method to construct intranet and extranet and realize remote access . Security tunneling is the core technology of VPN .

  2. 外联网与供应链管理

    Extranet and Supply Chain Management

  3. 这对于通过VPN或外联网进行连接特别有用。

    This is especially helpful for connectivity over VPNs or extranets .

  4. 通过使用IPsec信道保证现有基于数据中心的外联网解决方案的安全连接。

    Secure connection to existing data-center-based extranet solutions via an IPsec tunnel .

  5. MDIF公司这个名叫外联网的项目,计划到2015年向近地轨道发射数百颗卫星。

    Known as Outernet , MDIF plans to launch hundreds of satellites into orbit by 2015 .

  6. “外联网”项目将使用数据广播技术,让这些卫星向地球地面站持续释放无线网络信号。MDIF公司总部在纽约,他们表示将利用这些卫星向世界各地广播网络信号。

    Using something known as datacasting technology , which involves sending data over wide radio waves , the New York-based company says they 'll be able to broadcast the Internet around the world .

  7. 外联网不仅扩展连通性,通常还将路由、名称解析、身份验证和其他服务扩展到防火墙外部的目的地。

    Extranets extend not just connectivity , but often also routing , name resolution , authentication , and other services to destinations outside the firewall .

  8. 因为我们正处在一个需要利用我们的机构核心的商业客户系统通过内联网,外联网以及网络去连接我们的关键支持者的电子商务随需应变的环境中。

    Because we are in ane-business on demand environment when our organization connects its core business systems to key constituencies using intranets , extranet , and the web .

  9. 外联网项目团队表示,全球只有60%的人口有机会接触到网络提供的丰富资源和知识。

    The Outernet team claim that only 60 % of the world 's population currently have access to the wealth of knowledge that can be found on the Internet .

  10. 网上报税系统采用内联网、外联网或互联网技术,将澳门特别行政区财政局内部的税收管理服务系统、纳税申报征收系统与纳税人计算机系统、银行计算机系统等直接相连,实现各项业务的网上操作。

    Tax paying online can be done through the Intranet , or Internet technology . By connecting the tax collecting management system , tax paying and declaration system as well as paying computer system with bank computer system of the DSF , each aspect of network operation can be facilitated .

  11. 该公司计划向近地轨道发射数百颗低成本的迷你卫星——立方体卫星,“外联网”将使用用户数据报协议多任务技术向用户发送信息光束,实现全球网络下用户数据分享。

    The company 's plan is to launch hundreds of low-cost miniature satellites , known as cubesats , into low Earth orbit . Using a technique known as User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) multitasking , which is the sharing of data between users on a network , Outernet will beam information to users .