
  • 网络foreign literature;World Literature
  1. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。

    You can 't really appreciate foreign literature in translation .

  2. 关于外国文学史重构的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Reconstruction of the History of Foreign Literature

  3. 本文在研究我国目前外国文学教学方法的基础上,运用多元智能理论(MultipleIntelligence)探讨了如何构建新的外国文学教学模式和方法。

    Based on the analysis of literature teaching present in our country , the paper discusses multiple intelligence and its application in literature teaching , attempting to introduce another new literature teaching model and approach .

  4. 高校外语专业外国文学教学的尴尬与出路

    Teaching Foreign Literature to Foreign Language Majors : Problems and Solutions

  5. 外国文学教学的方法应该是灵活多样的而非一成不变。

    Literature teaching methods and approaches should be flexible and various .

  6. 关于外国文学史教材编写的几个问题

    Some Problems on Compiling Textbooks of the History of Foreign Literature

  7. 外国文学作品中的几类爱情描写

    A restricted view of the love types in foreign literary works

  8. 外国文学作品欣赏与大学英语精读教学

    On Appreciation of Foreign Literary Works and College English Intensive Reading

  9. 外语专业外国文学课教学改革探微

    A probe into the reform in the teaching of foreign literature

  10. 高校外国文学教学内容亟待变革

    Teaching Content of Foreign Literature in Colleges Urgently in Need of Reform

  11. 关于外国文学课程教学模式改革的思考与探索

    Thinking and Studying of the Reform to the Foreign Literature Teaching Models

  12. 外国文学在专科英语教学中的定位思考

    Some Reflections on the Orientation of Foreign Literature in College English Teaching

  13. 对现代的追求&试论《现代》杂志译介外国文学的特点

    Pursuit for " Modernity ": Translation of Foreign Literature in Modern Time

  14. 非中文专业外国文学课程教学初探

    A preliminary exploration on the teaching of foreign literature for non-Chinese majors

  15. 文学经典论争与外国文学经典的重构

    Debate on Literary Classics and Re-construction of Foreign Literary Classics

  16. 经典阅读与外国文学教学

    The Relation between Reading Literary Classics and Teaching Foreign Literature

  17. 赏识;重视:看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原着的美妙之处。

    appreciate sth You can 't really appreciate foreign literature in translation .

  18. 高中语文外国文学教学的历史与现状

    The Past and Present of Middle School Foreign Literature Teaching

  19. 外国文学课形象教学初探

    A New Inquiry into the Application of Image Teaching to Foreign literature

  20. 事实·学理·洞察力&对外国文学传记式研究模式的质疑

    The Problem of Biographic - Paradigm in the Study of Foreign Literature

  21. 外国文学对中国现代小品文之影响

    The Influence of Foreign Literature on Chinese Modern Familiar Essay

  22. 外国文学教学中的中西文学比较

    Comparison between Chinese and Western Literature in Foreign Literary Teaching

  23. 他山之石,可以攻玉&浅论外国文学教学对开放型人才培养的作用

    On the Role of Teaching of Foreign Literature in Training Open-minded Personnel

  24. 审美观照下的比较与辨析&关于大学语文课中的外国文学作品教学

    Aesthetic Differentiation and Comparison : On Foreign Literatures Teaching in College Chinese

  25. 外国文学教学中的人文精神教育

    On the Humane Spirit Education in the Foreign Literature Teaching

  26. 互联网与外国文学研究的现代化

    Title : Internet and the Modernization of Foreign Literature Studies

  27. 他的整个文学活动与外国文学有很密切的关系和深厚内在联系。

    His whole activity of literature has close relation with foreign literature .

  28. 外国文学史教材的撰写与学术承担

    The Writing and Academy Bearing of Foreign Literature History Textbooks

  29. 我国近年来外国文学研究热点

    Focuses in the Study of Foreign Literature in Recent-year China

  30. 翻译文学与外国文学和中国文学的关系

    On the Relationship of Translation Literature with Foreign Literature and Chinese Literature