
  1. 博鳌论坛秘书长李保东表示,他期待这次论坛能够解决世界经济现在面临的一系列挑战。

    Forum Secretary-General Li Baodong says he expects the event will address many of the challenges facing the world economy .

  2. 李保东还表示,今年的论坛还专门就城市和乡村的融合设立了话题讨论。

    Li Baodong also says this year 's forum is going to have a focus on the integration of urban and rural areas .

  3. 中国外交部副部长李保东表示,这个举动不仅对中国来说非常重要,对联合国来说也是一样。

    Chinese deputy foreign minister Li Baodong says the move was significant not only for China , but for the UN as well .

  4. 在中华人民共和国建国60周年国庆招待会上的致辞中华人民共和国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织大使、代表李保东

    Speech by H.E. Ambassador LI Baodong at the Reception Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People 's Republic of China

  5. 在进入会议召开地点时,中国大使李保东告诉记者,这是非常重要的磋商。

    The Chinese ambassador Li Baodong told reporters that these were important negotiations as he entered the building where the meeting is being held .

  6. 中国常驻日内瓦联合国大使李保东表示,中国已经建立有利于提升和保护人权的基础的社会体系和政治体系。

    Li Baodong , Chinese Ambassador to the UN Office in Geneva said that a fundamental social and political system for the promotion and protection of human rights has been established in China .

  7. 中国呼吁要“完整和严格执行”安理会决议。中国驻联合国大使李保东说:“我们不支持对安理会决议的随意曲解,也不支持任何超出授权的行动”。

    " We are not in favor of any arbitrary interpretation of the council 's resolutions nor are we in favor of any actions that go beyond its mandate ," Li Baodong , China 's envoy , said .