
  1. 中国参加这一谈判的首席人员是副外长武大伟,他星期三说,他对谈判将取得进展持乐观看法。

    China 's lead negotiator in the talks , Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei , said Wednesday he is optimistic they will make progress .

  2. 昨天,武大伟副部长分别与希尔和金桂冠先生举行了会见,同他们就六方会谈下一阶段的有关工作交换了意见。

    Yesterday , Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei met with them respectively and exchanged views with them on the next phase of the Six-Party Talks .

  3. 武大伟说,有各方的共同努力,六方会谈这棵大树在健康地成长,长得根深蒂固、枝叶繁茂、而且果实累累。

    He says with the joint efforts of all the parties , the tree of the six-party talks is growing healthily , with its roots deepening , branches thickening and it has become very fruitful .

  4. 韩国特使魏圣洛在星期四抵达北京时说,朝鲜的建议将是他与中国核谈判代表武大伟讨论的问题之一。

    The South Korean envoy , Wi Sun-lac , said on arrival in Beijing Thursday that the North Korean offer was one of the issues that would come up in his talks with China 's nuclear negotiator , Wu Dawei .