
  • 网络Wuding county
  1. 武定县5岁以下儿童常见死因的调查分析

    A Study of Children 's Main Death Cause under 5-years in Wuding County

  2. 云南武定县非创伤性充填术治疗儿童恒牙龋坏的临床观察

    Treatment of the Caries in Permanent Teeth of Children with Atraumatic Restorative Treament in Wuding , Yunnan Province

  3. 采用1/5万碘盐加亚硒酸钠,对云南省武定县碘硒缺乏地区的六个自然村进行地方性甲状腺肿的防治研究。

    This paper reported control of endemic goiter with supplementation of 1 / 50000 iodized salt plus sodium selenite in iodine selenium deficient area in six villages of Wuding , Yunan .

  4. 在云南省水资源开发利用评价指标体系基础上,分别采用主成分分析、层次分析、均方差分析3种方法,对楚雄市、大姚县和武定县3个地区的水资源开发利用现状进行了评价。

    The paper evaluates the present situation of water resources utilization in Chuxiong city . Dayao county and Wuding county with main composition analysis , hierarchical analysis and mean-square deviation analysis on basis of water resources evaluation target system in Yunnan province .