
  • 网络weak earthquake;weak shock;minor earthquake
  1. 弱震段,硬场地高频成分较多且表现不规律,E类软弱场地集中在SHZ以下。

    In weak shock time , high frequencies are more and irregular . Soft ground records concentrate on 5 Hz below , such as E site .

  2. 地震条带往往是Ms≥6级地震前空区的某些边段。用弱震条带预报地震是困难的,文中对地震条带的具体判据,分析方法以及其它有关问题进行了讨论。

    The concrete estimations , the analytic methods and some concerned problems of the seismic bands are discussed in the paper .

  3. 弱震活动与续发性地震的可能关系

    Possible connection between weak seismic activity and an ensuing strong earthquake

  4. 中强地震前弱震活动的空间分布类型

    Pattern of spatial distribution of small earthquake activities before Moderately-Strong events

  5. 地震动常(中-弱震和浅震);5.地震波运动学和动力学特征。

    Kinematic and dynamic features of seismic waves .

  6. 前兆观测资料的变化与弱震活动的关系

    The Variation of the Precursor Observation Data and Its Relation with the Weak Seismicity

  7. 弱震条带对2001年首都圈地区中等地震活动的指示意义

    Small earthquake band suggested the moderate earthquake occurrence in Capital Circle Region in 2001

  8. 弱震地区划分潜在震源区的探讨&以宁波弱震区为例

    An exploration of potential earthquake source area determined in the weak seismicity region of Ning Bo

  9. 简要阐述了湖北西部地区地震活动和台湾地区强震活动特征,研究了1981年以来湖北西部地区弱震和台湾地区6级以上强震发生的关系。

    The relation between small earthquakes in Western Hubei region and Taiwan strong earthquakes has been investigated .

  10. 密集分布的弱震往往伴随有续发性强震。

    A sequence of weak earthquakes closely spaced in time is generally followed by an ensuing strong earthquake .

  11. 大震后总有绵延多时的余震,大震前常有弱震活动增强现象。

    A strong earthquake is necessarily followed by a sequence of aftershocks and usually preceded by weak seismic activity of increasing magnitude .

  12. 本文从弱震活动的能量关系上给出发生续发性地震的可能判据。

    In this paper , a possible criterion is derived on the basis of energy relation of the sequence of weak earthquakes for estimating the occurrence of the ensuing strong earthquake .

  13. 本文通过对大渡河流域强震和弱震活动特征的研究发现,大渡河流域的强震活动频度高、强度大,对梯级水电站的影响显著。

    Through analysis of both strong and weak seismic activity in Daduhe river area , we found that the seismicity in the study area is characterized by high frequency and strong intensity .

  14. 并认为当弱震活动带走向与主压应力方位成25°&30°夹角时,未来在这些条带上发生中强地震的可能性较大。

    It is also concluded that if the strike of weak seismic belts intersect in 25 ° - 30 ° with the maximum compressive stress , the probability of moderate or large earthquake occurrence along these belts is relatively high .