
  • 网络weak industry
  1. 农业是弱质产业,其经济效益低,特别是我国加入WTO以后,农业面临自然和市场双重风险。

    Agriculture is a weak industry with low economical efficiency . Since China joined WTO , agriculture has been facing both nature and market dual risks .

  2. 由于新能源产业是具有环境效益的弱质产业。

    As the new energy industry is a weak industry environmental benefits .

  3. 养殖业是弱质产业、养殖生产主体的农民是弱势群体。

    Animal husbandry is a feeble industry and the peasants also are weak group .

  4. 由于农业生产受不确定性风险因素影响,因此是弱质产业。

    Due to the uncertainty risk factors , the agricultural production is a weak industry .

  5. 农业是一国经济的基础产业,也是一个高风险的弱质产业。

    Agriculture is a primary industry of our country . It is also a high-risk feeble industry .

  6. 作为三大产业的基础产业,农业同时也是弱质产业,这也是由其特殊性决定。

    As the basic of three major industries , agriculture is weaker , causing of its particularity .

  7. 农业并不是天生的弱质产业,它与工业一样,都是发达的产业。

    The paper holds that agriculture in China was not born week , but a strong industry .

  8. 林业是一项重要的公益事业和基础产业,但也是弱质产业。

    Forest is not only an important commonweal cause and fundamental industry , but also a weak industry .

  9. 农业是一个基础产业,同时又是一个弱质产业。

    Agriculture is a foundation industry , at the same time , it is also a feeble constitution industry .

  10. 农业是国民经济的基础,同时又是一种弱质产业。

    Agriculture is the foundation of national economy and at the same time is a kind of weak industry .

  11. 强化政策性金融支农的功能作用,解决农业弱质产业造成的信贷风险补偿的问题。

    Strengthening the policy function of financial support for agricultures to address agricultural industry due to weak credit risk compensation .

  12. 同时,农业又因其自然属性成为弱质产业,需要政府通过财政支出进行扶持。

    Agriculture is a kind of weak industry , thus it needs the support of government by the fiscal expenditure .

  13. 农业是弱质产业,比较利益低下,和其它产业相比明显缺乏竞争力。

    Agriculture is a weak industry , relatively low interest , and the apparent lack of competitiveness compared to other industries .

  14. 农业作为弱质产业,其发展必须依赖科技进步。

    As a kind of weak industry , the development of agriculture must depend on the progress of science and technology .

  15. 虚弱虚弱的状态或性质中国是一个农业大国,但农业却是中国的弱质产业。

    The condition or quality of being frail . China is a great agricultural country , but in China agriculture is weak .

  16. 同时农业也是弱质产业,农业生产面临着众多的自然灾害和其他风险。

    In addition , agriculture is a feeble industry , and the agricultural production is facing many natural disasters and other risks .

  17. 但粮食产业却属于弱质产业,它不仅面临自然风险,而且要承担由价格波动所引起的市场风险。

    But grain industry is vulnerable , which not only faces to natural hazards but also market risk owing to price fluctuation .

  18. 从理论上来说,农业是一种具有自然和市场双重风险的弱质产业,这种自然和市场双重风险的性质要求政府介入农业领域,支持农业的综合开发。

    Both the natural and market risks determine the government intervention in the agricultural field , and the supports for ACD by government .

  19. 农业在我国一直是弱质产业,受各方面影响大。生产力水平低,财政支持不足。

    With low level of productivity and lack of financial support , agriculture is a weak industry and easy to be affected in China .

  20. 农业是受自然风险和市场风险双重约束的弱质产业,客观上需要政策和资金的支持。

    Agriculture is a kind of weak industry and restricted by natural and marketable risk , which objectively need the supports of policies and funds .

  21. 当前,在国际贸易中绿色贸易壁垒问题已不可回避,农业作为一种弱质产业更容易受其影响。

    Nowadays , the issue on Green Trade Barriers is not evitable in the international trade . As a weak industry , agriculture is easily influenced .

  22. 作为一个农业大国,农业既是我国国民经济的基础,又是被公认的高危弱质产业。

    As a agriculture giant , agriculture is the foundation of the national economy , and also a weak industry with higher risk but lower income .

  23. 农业是弱质产业,随着经济的发展,农业对生产要素的吸引力会不断的降低,尤其在经济高速发展阶段。

    With the development of economy , the effect of agriculture industry attracting producing factors becomes weaken , especially on the high level of developing stage .

  24. 农业是个比较利益低、投资风险大的弱质产业,加强农业政策性金融的支持力度,具有重要和长远的战略意义。

    Agriculture has lower comparatively benefit and more investment risks compare with other industries . There is more strategic meaning to enforce agricultural policy finance 's power .

  25. 同时指出小麦生产是社会效益高、生态效益大,而本身经济效益低的弱质产业。

    There are high social benefits and big ecological results for wheat production , but itself is the crop cultivation of tender constitution of low economic effect .

  26. 农业是国民经济的基础,具有很强的外部性和多功能性,但农业又是弱质产业,因此,各国普遍对其实施国内支持政策。

    Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy , with strong exterior nature , multifunction and frangibility , therefore , agricultural domestic support policies were introduced to most countries .

  27. 但是受城乡二元体制等多种因素的影响,我国城乡发展差距巨大,林业成为弱质产业,林农成为弱势群体。

    Under the traditional urban-rural dual system for many years , the urban-rural disparity is more and more large . Forestry becomes a weak industry and foresters become the vulnerable group .

  28. 在我国,农业作为弱质产业,不仅受到市场、政策的约束,更受到自然条件和生产条件的制约。

    Agriculture is a poor-quality industry , which is not only influenced by the market and policy , but also restricted by the conditions of the nature and the agriculture production .

  29. 绿色产业特性包括:以绿色农业为基础,是弱质产业,政府有扶持的必要:是安全食品产业,存在信息不对称问题;

    The characteristics of green food industry includes below : based on green agriculture , vulnerable and needs support ; belong to safety food industry , there is information dissymmetry problem ;

  30. 农业是弱质产业,生产预期收益低,存在各种各样的风险,这要求发展农业保险保护农业生产和农民利益。

    Agriculture with various risks is a weak industry and the expected return is low . So it requires the development of agricultural insurance to protect agricultural production and interests of farmers .