
  • 网络weak-ties;weak tie
  1. 所谓的弱关系是社会学家MarkGranovetter在研究社交网络时提出来的。

    The strength of weak ties is from sociologist Mark Granovetter 's work on social networks .

  2. 通常来讲,要实现这一点,“弱关系的力量”很重要。所谓的“弱关系”是社会学家MarkGranovetter在研究社交网络时提出来的。

    Most often , the way to do this is through what is called " the strength of weak ties . " The strength of weak ties is from sociologist Mark Granovetter 's work on social networks .

  3. 弱关系、强关系:墨西哥移民中的网络原则

    Weak Ties , Strong Ties : Network Principles in Mexican Migration

  4. 第三、将弱关系网络引入社会距离分析,从社会网络角度对社会距离进行分析的阐述。

    Thirdly , it makes use of weak ties and ego central network to explain social distance .

  5. 这个工作机会很可能来自弱关系,或者来自那些你几乎不认识的人。

    That job lead is going to come from weak ties , or from people you hardly know .

  6. 越重视维持中关系和弱关系的女性,职业地位越高。

    Women pay more attention to maintain medium ties and weak ties , their occupation position are higher .

  7. 城市养老由依靠强关系网向弱关系网转变体现了城市养老支持网络的扩大和发展;农村养老强弱关系网并重也体现了农村养老支持网络的发展和壮大。

    In the city Pension from strong network to weak ties which reflects the expansion and development of support networks .

  8. 理论基础主要来自品牌塑造理论中的品牌社区理论和社会化网络传播理论中的强关系与弱关系。

    Theory mainly based on brand community theory and strong ties and weak ties in the theory of social network communication .

  9. 从理论上看,对女性职业地位提升作用最大的应该是中关系,其次是弱关系。

    Theoretically , medium ties are the most useful to promote the female occupation position . Weak ties are the second order .

  10. 在这一研究框架中,强关系和弱关系是两个最为重要的分析概念。

    This paper argues that the patterns of social interaction in traditional China are unavailable to be analyzed with the concepts in pairs theoretically .

  11. 可见,女性要想提升自己的职业地位,应该注重维持自己的中关系、弱关系以及异性网,并且对网络进行有效的再生产。

    So , if women want to promote occupational status , they should maintain medium ties and weak ties , and reproduce the valid networks .

  12. 而电视相亲、网络择偶等新媒介的选择,则为青年择偶提供了弱关系的网络支持。

    While the network television dating , mate choice and other new media choices for youth , mate choice provides " weak ties " network support .

  13. 回归分析表明,城市居民的弱关系信任低于农村居民,而普遍信任尚未建立。

    Multiple linear regression analysis shows that the citizens ' weak-relation trust degree is lower than the farmers , and their general trust has not been built .

  14. 然而,如果这些弱关系过于脆弱,不能给我们提供太多的真正支持,那么我们为什么还要如此热情地拥有他们呢?

    But if weak ties are too flimsy to offer us much in the way of real support , why are we so keen to have them ?

  15. 笔者认为,在城乡养老支持网中,弱关系的作用越来越大,弱关系网成为未来城乡养老者主要依靠的养老支持网。

    The author believes that old-age support in urban and rural network of weak ties is increasing . Weak relationship network become the mainly rely support network .

  16. 强关系之间存在的是人格化的家族信任,而弱关系的基础是非人格化的社会信任。

    In the light of the trust of society , the clan trusts exit in strong connections , and the foundation of weak connection is impersonal trust of society .

  17. 然而,这些研究的分析单位通常放在个体之间的强关系或弱关系这样的联系上。

    However , up to now , the unit of analysis in most of those studies was the relationship between individuals , such as strong ties or weak ties .

  18. 求职者往往都是通过像水波纹一样从中心点向外扩散的(差序格局)弱关系得到就业信息,而通过靠近中心行动者的强关系最终敲定工作。

    Job hunters usually obtain information from weak ties , just like water ripple spread outward from the center , but only strong ties have the final say in fixing jobs .

  19. 网络交往关系从本质上说是一种网络弱关系,系个人理性选择的结果,目的在于获取个人社会资本。

    The article holds that the network contact is essentially a kind of network weak tie as a result of individual rational choice . The goal lies in gaining individual social capital .

  20. 关于求职者通过社会关系网络的求职行为研究,西方社会学界倾向于支持弱关系理论,而亚洲社会学界的研究则得出了不太一样的结论;

    As far as the study on peoples ' finding jobs through social networks , western sociologists are in favor of the weak-tie theory , and similar studies in Asia reach in different conclusion .

  21. 但事实上,女性平时较忽略对中关系和弱关系的维持,在就业和升职过程中也没有很好的利用中关系和弱关系。

    But in fact , female usually neglect to maintain the medium ties and weak ties . They seldom make use of the medium ties and weak ties during the occupational status attainment period .

  22. 对模型进行利润最大化分析的结果表明,如果社会资本仅仅作为求职信息传递工具,社会资本中的弱关系比强关系获得的利润更大。

    After the analysis of profit maximization of model , this thesis got a conclusion that the weak relation can be more beneficial if social capital is just treated as job information transfer tool .

  23. 主要的策略有四种:选择性建构社会关系的网络策略、社会资本互惠的交换策略、社会资本增值的策略和强关系、弱关系的策略。

    There are four main strategies : Construction of selective social network strategy 、 The mutual exchange of social capital strategy 、 Social capital appreciation strategies and strong relationship between the weak relations strategy .

  24. 本文通过问卷调查与个案访谈方式,试从强关系网络、中关系网络与弱关系网络来分析对新生代农民工择业观的影响。

    By the means of survey and case study , this article tries to analyze the influence of strong relation network , medium relation network , as well as weak relation network for views employment .

  25. 可见,在封闭和关系相对简单的农村社会,人们是严格按照差序格局理论来寻找关系的,即从强关系到弱关系的逐渐扩展开来的行为逻辑。

    It is obvious that in the closed and relatively simple rural society , people look for relations in light of the theory of " difference preface pattern ", namely , from strong relation to weak relation .

  26. 在企业稳定发展期,扩大市场网络规模成为企业获取更多利润的主要策略选择,知识、技术、创新网络逐渐演变为弱关系为主的网络。

    In the stable development phase , scale expanding of market network becomes a major strategic method to obtain more profits ; knowledge , technology , innovation network has turned to a network consists of weak relations .

  27. 除了每一位用户的职业和背景信息,微软还可以掌握他们认识的高管和专业人士网络——社会学家称之为“弱关系”,领英称之为“经济图谱”。

    Apart from data about every member 's career and background , it Microsoft gains knowledge of the network of executives and professionals they know - what sociologists would call their " weak ties " and LinkedIn calls " the economic graph . "

  28. 分析可得,该群网络是一个非均匀网络,其集中度与群聚集度都非常低,这与林南在社会资源理论中提出的弱关系理论是一致的。

    By analysis , we obtain that the cluster network model is a heterogeneous network which the centrality and the clustering are very low . It is consent with the weak ties theory in the theory of social resources which is proposed by Lin Nan .

  29. 关于对Fuzzy弱自反关系证明的注记

    A Note on the Proof of the Fuzzy Weak Self-reverse Relations

  30. FOXPRORDBMS是一种安全性很弱的关系数据库管理系统,而一般的FOXPRO数据库应用系统除了口令字机制之外,也很少有其它的保护措施。

    For the poor security of FOXPRO RDBMS , usual FOXPRO applications do little to improve it except for password .