
  • 网络weak password
  1. 用默认用户ID(如db2admin)安装DB2UDB并使用弱口令(或者根本没有)可能将系统置于风险中。

    Installing DB2 UDB with the default user IDs ( for example , db2admin ) and providing a weak password ( or none at all ) can put your system at risk .

  2. AEAS中的客户端口令认证具有零知识安全属性,允许用户使用弱口令,并能抵御各种字典攻击和重放攻击;

    The client password authentication possesses zero-knowledge-proof security property , which allows using weak passwords ;

  3. EKE协议是基于弱口令的密钥交换协议,通过使用对称密钥加密体制和公钥加密体制,能够很好地抵抗离线字典攻击。

    EKE is a kind of key exchange protocol based on week password and can resist offline dictionary attacks by use of symmetric key encryption and public key encryption .

  4. 很多计算机病毒、蠕虫和特洛伊木马的设计都利用了弱口令。

    Many computer viruses , worms , and trojan horses are designed to exploit weak passwords .

  5. 方案使用弱口令,允许用户自主选择并更改口令,实现了双向认证,具备用户友好性;

    Furthermore , the scheme has many merits : it lets users freely choose and change password at their own will ;

  6. 该协议主要实现了用一个弱的初始口令建立一个有捐助的、前向保密的会话密钥的过程。

    The new protocol can use a week password to create the contributory , forward secrecy the session key .