
  • 网络illegally download
  1. 防止非法下载ACCESS数据库

    Methods for preventing download ACCESS database illegally

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,中国无疑会开始颁布更多针对非法下载的处罚条例,正如美国一样。

    China , as it joins the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), will no doubt begin to enact more penalties against copyright infringers as was seen in the United States .

  3. 当唱片公司赢得官司后,有效地终止了大部分的非法下载,然而,CD销售仍然下滑。

    After winning that battle & effectively ending most illegal downloads , CD sales are still slipping . Now , they say the problem is places like ITunes .

  4. 骇客将该病毒植入假游戏档案,这些档案被那些热中于体验该游戏、却不愿掏钱买的人从P2P网路非法下载。

    Hackers planted the virus in bogus game files , which are being illegally downloaded from P2P networks by those keen to experience the game without purchasing it .

  5. 重点打击音乐和电影非法下载、盗版CD和DVD光盘、非法软件、汽车零部件以及药品销售。

    This is an attempt to combat illegal downloads of music and movies , sales of pirated CDs and DVDs , illegal software , auto parts and pharmaceuticals .

  6. ifpi宣称,中国消费的音乐99%都来源于非法下载,此前多年则是盗版cd的天下。

    The IFPI claims that 99 per cent of music consumed in China is downloaded illegally , following years of heavy CD copying .

  7. 所以,仅管盗版在印度是普遍的,就如同在众多其它国家,但请告诉你们的读者,在使用非法下载或盗版DVD之前请三思。

    So , although piracy is rife in India , as in so many countries , please ask your readers to think twice about using illegal downloads or pirated DVDs .

  8. 免费游戏让中国的腾讯(Tencent)得以不理会非法下载的威胁,并成为全球最大企业之一。

    Giving away games has enabled China 's Tencent to brush off the threat of illegal downloads and become one of the biggest companies in the world .

  9. 来自npd集团的另一份报告显示,美国互联网用户中,合法下载音乐的人数去年首次超过了非法下载人数。

    A separate report by NPD group found that the number of US Internet users downloading music legally surpassed those downloading illegally for the first time last year .

  10. 从1998年起便开始担任唱片公司主管的松丁,是各国同事们眼中的“海盗湾”(ThePirateBay)问题专家。海盗湾是一家臭名昭著的瑞典网站,人们通过它非法下载最新的音乐和电影。

    Sundin , who has headed a record label since 1998 , was known by international colleagues as the expert on The Pirate Bay , an infamous Swedish website used to illegally download the latest music and films .

  11. TorrentFreak.com网站统计了用BT文件共享进行非法下载的次数。据该网站发布的年度排行,今年最流行的几部电视剧也是被盗版最多的。

    Several of the year 's most popular shows were also among the most pirated , according to an annual list compiled by the website TorrentFreak.com , which tallied the number of illegal downloads that took place using BitTorrent file sharing .

  12. RIAA(美国唱片协会)近日被法庭告知,如果他们想起诉使用P2P进行非法下载的用户,他们必须得提供一些实际的证据。

    THE Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) has been told by a Judge that if it wants to sue P2P pirates in his court it will have to actually present some evidence .

  13. 上月,由国际唱片业协会(IFPI)发布的一份报告透露,一段音乐每合法下载1次,就会被非法下载40次。

    A report released last month by the International Federation of Phonographic Industries revealed there were still 40 illegal downloads for every legal one .

  14. 这项技术与与电影公司利益攸关:DVD销售额在2004年曾达到创纪录的150.5亿美元,不过随着用户转向Netflix等流媒体服务以及“万恶”的非法下载,DVD业务现在已经一蹶不振。

    For the studios the stakes are high : DVD sales , which peaked at $ 15.5 billion in 2004 , have stalled as consumers have turned to streaming services such as Netflix ( NFlx ) or , worse , illegal downloads .

  15. 我知道,现在百度被音乐行业列入非法下载黑名单,它是中国最大的搜索引擎,在NASDAQ(是指美国“全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统)

    Now I know that baidu.com is one of those that 's been singled out by the music industries , it 's the biggest Chinese search engine , it 's listed on Nasdaq and it 's been subject / to be deliberately named .

  16. 在这个看似历史性的转变中,英国六个最大的网络服务供应商(简称为ISP)同意加入网络盗版的行列中,他们将会对怀疑非法下载文件的人发出信函,警告他们停止该非法活动。

    In what appears to be a historic about-face , Britain 's six biggest Internet Service Providers or ISPs have agreed to join the fight against online piracy , sending letters to those suspected of illegally downloading files , warning them to stop or else .

  17. 该法创建了一个缩写为HADOPI机构,该机构将跟踪网络滥用者,并且可以对两次警告后仍然非法下载者进行自动断网。

    The law innovated by creating an agency , known by its initials HADOPI , which would track abusers and cut off net access automatically to those who continued to download illicitly after two warnings .

  18. 他们认为非法下载音乐的行为需要严格的措施去纠正。

    They think that illegal downloading behavior needs tough measures to correct .

  19. 他们喜欢控诉那些从事网路非法下载的学生。

    They like to sue students for downloading music illegally from the Internet .

  20. 等等,你说的是下载还是非法下载?

    Wait , downloading or illegally downloading ? It 's.

  21. 法国充满争议的反非法下载“三振”提案最近又一次成为新闻的焦点。

    France s controversial project to fight illicit downloads is back in the news .

  22. 美国反对非法下载的诉讼案就是一个很好的例子。

    This can be seen with the lawsuits against illegal downloading in the United States .

  23. 浅析网络资源反盗链和反非法下载技术

    Analysis Technology of Anti-leech and Anti Illegally-Downloading

  24. 唱片协会以盗版罪指控布莱娜从互联网上非法下载音乐。

    The RIAA accused Brianna of stealing after she illegally downloaded music off the Internet .

  25. 难道要告那些从妈妈的电脑上非法下载音乐的14岁孩子吗

    Do we sue the 14-year-old kid on his mom 's computer stealing your music ?

  26. 由于非法下载猖獗,销售额在2000至2008年间锐减过半。

    Sales had more than halved between 2000 and 2008 as illegal downloading took over .

  27. 没有人希望乐界对非法下载视而不见。

    No one really expects the music industry to turn a blind eye to illegal downloading .

  28. 音乐公司对非法下载的担忧使下载每首歌的平均价格一直被压得很低。

    The fear of illegal downloading keeps the average price per track of digital music low .

  29. 音乐资讯中心不支持非法下载,也不为非法下载提供便利。

    Klassikom music info service does not support illegal downloads nor do we provide service of such kind .

  30. 本文章的作者指出了学生非法下载学期论文的问题。

    The author of this article points out the problem of illicit downloading of term papers by students .