
  • 网络Web Trojan;WebShell
  1. 基于Delphi的网页木马清除工具的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Remover for Web-page Trojan based on Delphi

  2. 该模型针对网页木马攻击的隐蔽性和局部性特点,利用DOM结构将网页源文件映射成为DOM元素序列。

    The model uses the inherent DOM structure to map the source document into a sequence of DOM elements , which could reflect the two characteristic of webpage trojan attack : hidden and locality .

  3. 基于统计与代码特征分析的网页木马检测模型

    Web Trojan Detection Model Based on Statistics and Code Characteristics Analysis

  4. 网页木马与跨域漏洞

    Trojan in Web And Cross - Domain Vulnerability

  5. 基于邮件的网页木马植入与防范方法研究

    The Research of the Injection and Defense of Web page Trojan Horse Based on Email

  6. 因此,传统木马的检测模型并不适用于网页木马检测。

    As such , traditional detect models could not be adapted for the webpage trojan detection .

  7. 然后针对目前常用的网页木马检测算法进行比较,以确定出在本课题中为了检测网页的木马行为而选用的智能化检测算法。

    Secondly , compare between some most used Trojan detection algorithms , then determine to use which algorithm as the intelligent detection algorithm in this paper .

  8. 为了应对网页木马中利用内嵌链接动态生成和代码混淆技术实现的隐藏机制,建立了一种全面基于网页动态视图的网页木马检测方法。

    A dynamic page view based drive-by download detection method was developed to address the challenge hidden drive-by downloads which abuse inline linking dynamics creation and obfuscation .

  9. 在通过对ⅡS网页木马的行为特征仔细分析后,将网页木马的行为特征分为两个组成部分:外部行为特征和内部行为特征。

    After carefully , analyze the behavioral characteristics of IIS Webpage Trojan , we divide the behavioral characteristics into two parts : external behavior characteristics and internal characteristics .

  10. 当浏览器触发网页木马程序后,网页木马就会利用对方系统或者浏览器的漏洞自动将配置好的木马服务端下载到访问者的电脑,然后自动执行,从而达到破坏、窃取计算机信息的目的。

    When the browser is triggering the malicious web page , web Trojan download the Trojan program by using the vulnerabilities , and achieve the destruction and theft of computer information purposes .

  11. 网页木马中最常见的情况是网站被挂马,在困扰网站管理员的同时,对网站用户产生了很多潜在的威胁。

    Trojans make up a great proportion and the most common is that a web is plugged with Trojans , which brings great distress to the site administrators and managers and also potential hazards to users .

  12. 本文首先对网页木马的形成机理及其攻击手段进行了深入的分析,接着对挂马方式和可利用的漏洞进行了透彻的研究,在此基础上对比分析了网页木马检测的各种方法。

    At first , this paper analyzes deeply the formation mechanism of the Webpage-Trojan and the means of attack , then studies through the means of hanging a horse and vulnerability exploits . On that basis , this paper compares and analyses detection methods of Webpage-Trojan .

  13. 随着互联网应用的不断普及和网民数量的不断增加,网页种植木马技术不断发展,恶意网站给网民带来的安全威胁正在迅速增加。

    With the growing popularity of Internet applications and the continuous increase in the number of Internet users , web planting Trojan technology continues to develop , the malicious website security threats to Internet users is increasing rapidly .

  14. 基于网页动态视图的网页木马检测方法

    Detection of drive-by downloads based on dynamic page views