
  • 网络seo;Optimization;Website SEO;sem
  1. 本课题将WEB日志挖掘与网站优化相结合,并应用于教育站点优化。

    And it will be applied to the educational website optimization .

  2. 发现用户潜在的访问规则,在网站优化工作中显得尤为重要。所以,Web日志挖掘技术应运而生。

    It appears especially important in the website optimization work for discovering the user latent access rules .

  3. 基于Web挖掘的网站优化系统的研究

    A research on website optimize system based on the Web mining

  4. 基于Google的网站优化技术

    Optimization Technology for Website Based on Google

  5. 本文还将改进算法应用到Web日志挖掘中,进行用户聚类从而得到群体用户的需求,为网站优化和个性化服务提供决策支持。

    In this paper , the improved algorithm is still put into the application on Web log mining to cluster users , to get the demand of group users and to provide decision support for site optimization and users personalized service .

  6. 网络营销导向下的YT公司网站优化管理研究

    Study on Website Optimization and Management of YT Company Guided by Cyber Marketing

  7. 以网站优化为手段的网络营销研究

    A Study of the Cyber Marketing by Means of Website Optimization

  8. 然后夸夸其谈,说网站优化应该如何如何做。

    Next bombastic , say the website is optimized how should do .

  9. 同时介绍了网站优化的相关理论和方法。

    At the same time introduced the theory and methods in Website optimization .

  10. 政府网站优化问题探讨

    Study on the Optimization Question of Goverment Website

  11. 搜索引擎排名优化功能。准确的根据用户需要,提供完美的网站优化服务。

    Accurate based on user needs and provide the perfect Web site optimization services .

  12. 而现在,帮助企业将网站优化为手机版让谷歌看到了新的机会。

    Google sees an opportunity in helping companies optimize their sites for the mobile web .

  13. 面向搜索引擎的网站优化策略

    Website Optimization Strategies For Search Engine

  14. 所以你看,这是异常重要的,你的网站优化关键字的权力。

    So you see that it is very important that you optimize your site for the right keywords .

  15. 介绍了搜索引擎优化的工作原理及搜索引擎优化的规则与步骤,提出了图书馆网站优化的具体措施。

    This paper introduces the working principles , rules and steps of search engine optimization , and advances some concrete measures for the optimization of library website construction .

  16. 通过不间断的用户分析和多层次网站优化,大部分设计错误及漏洞得到更正,目前用户群稳定,用户点击量稳中有升。

    Through continuous user analysis and optimization of multi-level sites , most of the design errors and vulnerabilities are corrected , the current user base stable , the user clicks steadily .

  17. 这样可以让新发布的站直接从高起点开始运营,可以大大提高运营的效果,也节省了网站优化改造的费用。

    Can let so new issuance station begins operation from high starting point directly , can improve the result of operation greatly , also saved a website to optimize transformed expense .

  18. 这是网站优化中最重要的一部份,有助于各大搜索引擎排名的提升,严谨的锚文本能够帮助搜索引擎更加清楚的了解网页的主题。

    This is the site optimization of the most important part , contribute to the major search engine rankings improve , strict anchor text to help search engines understand more clearly the theme page .

  19. 许多Web设计人员错误地认为高速Internet连接的到来会使网站性能优化变得没有必要。

    Many Web designers have erroneously assumed that the advent of high-speed Internet connections would make Web site performance optimization irrelevant .

  20. 目前存在的多种网站结构优化技术中,基于WEB使用挖掘技术的网站结构优化是一个重要的研究方向。

    In the various existing website structure optimization technology , based on the web usage mining technology is a significant research direction .

  21. 关联规则在网站结构优化中的改进算法

    Improvement Algorithm of Association Rules for the Structure of Website

  22. 应用ASP.NET技术对农业信息网站进行优化设计

    Applying ASP . NET technique to agriculture information websites for system optimization

  23. 基于隐马尔可夫模型的电子商务网站结构优化

    E-commerce website structure optimization based on hidden Markov model

  24. 搜索引擎网站的优化研究

    Study of website optimization focused on search engines

  25. 基于关联系数的电子超市网站结构优化模型及算法复杂性分析

    Commodity Covariance Based Mathematical Model for Link Structure Optimization of E-Supermarket Website and Algorithm Analysis

  26. 信息网站的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Information Net Site

  27. 我们保证在我们的解决方案中,绝对不会采用任何违规的搜索引擎优化技术来对您的企业网站进行优化。

    We guarantee that our solutions will never use any illegal search engine optimization techniques to optimize your business website .

  28. 由算法找出有向图最佳的访问路径和访问点,实现网站的优化。

    Furthermore , by using an algorithm , the best visit routes and points can be found to optimize the websites .

  29. 摘要搜索引擎优化是近年来兴起并不断发展的技术,目前被广泛的应用于电子商务网站的优化。

    Search engine optimization is a newly developed technology , which is extensively applied to the optimization of e-commerce web stations .

  30. 分析报告并跟踪结果,将之反馈到营销活动和网站的优化上。

    Reporting and tracking results will be analyzed and flow back into the optimization of the marketing campaigns and the website funnel .