
  • 网络network on demand
  1. 网络视频、网络点播、社交网站、微博等互联网应用在很大程度上分流了电视观众和电视市场份额。

    The internet applications such as online video , media network on demand , social network , micro-blog etc. , to a large extent , have distributed the TV audiences and TV market shares .

  2. 在对等网络点播系统中,该策略有效的管理了服务器端与客户端的媒体资源,使得整个系统呈现出良好的P2P性能,提高了服务质量。

    The effective management strategy for the media resources in servers and clients , makes a good showing P2P performance and ensures the high quality of services for users .

  3. 测试结果表明,本系统达到了MPEG-4网络点播与组播的基本要求,能实时传输图像和声音,并在一定范围内达到音视频同步。

    The test result shows that the system can transport MPEG-4 video and audio Unicast or Multicast and playback the video and audio sync .

  4. 对流式视频进行注释网络点播学习系统的设计

    A design of network video on demand learning system with annotation for streaming video

  5. 最后利用VC++对系统软件模块进行编写和调试,主要实现了视频信息的采集、压缩及其网络点播和直播等功能。

    Finally we implemented the system by using VC + + , including video collecting , coding , network dibble seeding and live broadcast .

  6. 第一次网络点播,第一次网上提交作业,能让我灵活的协调工作和学习的关系。

    For the first time network point sow and net up hands over homework , can let the relation between my vivid coordination work and study for the first time .

  7. 基于HFC网络视频点播系统

    Net VOD System Based on HFC Network

  8. HBO说重播的收视率是每周280万人,包括网络和点播收视。

    HBO says the number is 2.8 million weekly viewers when repeat broadcasts , online and on-demand viewings are included .

  9. 分析了视频点播的系统特征、基于HFC网络视频点播的关键技术,研究探讨了3种基于HFC网络视频点播系统的工作原理和特点。

    The paper analyses the characteristics and the key technology of VOD based on HFC network , researches and discusses the working principles and features of three VOD systems based on HFC network .

  10. 基于校园网络视频点播学习环境的设计与教学应用

    The Design & Teaching Application Of VOD Learning Environment Based on Campus Network

  11. 一种新型网络视频点播的存储层次

    New Memory Hierarchies for Network Video - On-Demand

  12. 一种分布式网络视频点播系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Distributed VOD System

  13. 企业网络视频点播系统设计研究

    Network VOD System Design for Enterprise

  14. 在本文的最后,对整篇文章进行了总结回顾,并对网络视频点播技术的发展进行了展望。

    In the final , it recalls the lessons of the entire article , and has a vista to the development of network VOD technology .

  15. 基于该模型,以网络当前点播强度和节目流行度为参数,提出了一种控制单播和组播带宽的分配算法。

    Based on the model , a unicast and multicast bandwidth allocation algorithm was proposed , which adopted current network load and program popularity as determined parameters .

  16. 经过20多年的发展,数字视频编解码技术取得了巨大的成功,广泛应用在网络视频点播、视频会议、国防安全及娱乐生活等各个方面。

    Through more than 20 years of development , digital video encoding and decoding technology has achieved great success , widely used in network video-on-demand , video conferencing , national security and entertainment in all aspects of life .

  17. 基于IP网络视频流点播应用研究

    Application Research of Video Streaming On-Demand over IP Network

  18. 基于P2P网络的视频点播系统设计

    A P2P Based Video-on-Demand System

  19. 本文通过对基于HFC网络的视频点播系统和应用服务器的研究与分析,采用MVC思想和Struts技术设计并实现了应用服务器的前端显示模块。

    This paper has done some research and analysis about the VOD system based on HFC network and the Application Server , then designed and implemented the front-end module of Application Server using MVC ideas and Struts technique .

  20. 本文讨论实现HFC网络数字视频点播系统所需的基本构件及网络架构,分析了几种不同网络架构的特点、技术走向和未来的发展方向,并介绍成功的商业案例。

    The purpose of this presentation is to discuss basic requirements in terms of equipment and network architecture to add Video-On-Demand to an HFC digital TV network . It reviews different types of network architectures and their advantages , technological trends and future developments .

  21. 基于网络流媒体点播服务系统的设计

    Design of service system based on streaming media on-demand in network video

  22. 设计了网络音视频点播和直播系统的整体解决方案;

    Present complete scheme of network audio / video broadcasting and on demand system ;

  23. 并且设计和实现了基于P2P网络的流媒体点播系统,并给出了相关技术的测试结果。

    Besides , Design and implementation of P2P-based streaming on-demand network systems and related technologies are given the test results .

  24. 提出了一个基于对等网络的流媒体点播系统StreamonPeer(SoP)的设计与实现。

    This paper presents the design and implementation of a streaming system based on peer-to-peer technology , Stream on Peer ( SoP ) .

  25. 流媒体的应用是近几年来Internet发展的产物,特别是视频流技术,广泛应用于远程教学、网络电台、视频点播、收费播放等。

    Stream media technology was widely employed along with the prevalence of internet , especially was stream video technology , which can be used in e-learn , Web Broadcasting Station , Order Video Programme , and Viewing by Pay .

  26. 流媒体技术广泛应用于远程教育、网络电台、视频点播、收费播放等,是目前在Internet上相当流行的跨平台的客户/服务器结构的多媒体应用标准。

    Streaming media is widely applied to long range education and the network broadcasting station and video dot broadcasting collect fees broadcasting etc. It is the standard of multimedia application to current platform client and server structure on the internet now .

  27. 同时IPv6对组播提供了更多的优化支持,在高清晰度数字电视、网络会议、视频点播、网络视频监控领域中具有广阔的应用前景。

    While IPv6 provides a more optimal to support multicast , high-resolution digital television , the network conferences , video-on-demand , network video surveillance areas will have broad application prospects .

  28. 随着主要电信运营商逐步展开它们的业务,有线电视、卫星电视、iptv以及网络电视/视频点播等业务对用户的争夺战将逐步升级。

    As the major telecom carriers deploy services , there will be an escalating battle for subscribers between cable , satellite , IPTV and Internet TV / video-on-demand .

  29. 由于P2P流媒体的保证,网络视频直播、点播以高清晰的画面,高音质音频和流畅的播放速度给传统互联网用户带来声色兼备的强大冲击,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    As peer-to-peer streaming media assurance , network video broadcast-on-demand to high-definition screen , high-quality audio and fluent player to the traditional speed Internet users , " urging both " powerful blows , has aroused extensive concern .

  30. 在以IPv6协议为基础的下一代互联网中,多媒体应用将被更广泛地使用,如IP电视、可视电话、可视网络会议、视频点播等,这些应用需要更大量的带宽保证。

    In the IPv6 protocol-based next generation Internet , multimedia applications will be more widely used , such as IPTV , video telephony , video conferencing , video on demand , etc. These applications require larger amounts of bandwidth guarantee .