
  1. 探讨了网络营销环境下CRM系统在陶瓷企业中的应用与实施。

    This paper explores the application and implement of CRM in ceramic enterprise under the Environment of E-marketing .

  2. 网络营销环境下客户关系管理策略研究

    The Study on Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) Strategies in the Context of Internet Marketing

  3. 改革以确保企业对动态的网络营销环境有充分的准备以及能适时调整计划;

    Updating the organization on changing online marketing trends so that the organization can prepare and regulate plans accordingly .

  4. 与传统的营销环境相比,网络营销环境更难判断卖家的可信任度。

    However , compared with a traditional marketing environment , it is more difficult to judge the trust of the sellers in the online marketing environment .

  5. 由于网络营销环境是不断变化的,网络消费者在消费过程中的行为,会受到个人过去的经历和重大事件的影响,进而产生看似毫无规律的反应。

    As the E-marketing environment is constantly changing , online consumer behavior will be affected by the personal past experiences and major events , and then will produce seemingly irregular reaction .

  6. 这个阶段主要是适应我国目前的网络营销环境和消费者的购物心理而准备的过渡时期,也是为建立真正意义上的网络营销打基础的时期。

    This stage is the transition period that confirms to the present network marketing surroundings and consumers ' shopping psychology and lays a foundation for setting up true network marketing in the future .

  7. 但随着时间的变化,网络营销环境出现了复杂多变的状况,如出现垃圾邮件、搜索引擎作弊、网页中广告太多影响用户访问、浏览器屏蔽广告等许多亟待解决的问题。

    And as time goes on , the environment of Internet marketing become worsen , email marketing turn into junk mail , SEO become searching engine cheat , too much Ads banner on the web page even the browsers block the Ads.

  8. 在当前的网络营销环境中,广告公司开始寻找方法来增加用户原创内容的影响,如拆箱视频、介绍产品使用体验的博客等。

    This is known as " User Generated Content , " and in the current climate of online reviews , " unboxing " videos and consumer product-oriented blogs , advertising firms are just beginning to find ways to leverage this massive amount of content .

  9. 信息化基础设施、网络营销配套环境及推动网络营销的政策法规等都有了极大的改观。

    The information-based infrastructure , internet marketing circumstance and rules pushing the Internet marketing forward have greatly developed .

  10. 文章从介绍互联网技术对国际贸易产生的影响入手,分析现今条件下外贸企业在对外贸易中开展网络营销的环境和必要性。

    The article will first introduce the influences of internet technology on international trade and analyze why foreign trade enterprises should take advantage of network marketing .

  11. 然后,对网络时代的营销环境进行分析,并分析信息商品为什么适合于在网络环境下开展营销活动,进而引出新兴的4I营销组合。

    Fourthly , the thesis analyzes the marketing environment of network age , and why the information commodity is fit for marketing in network environment , and then educes the rising marketing mix , that is to say , the 4I mix .

  12. 中国网络营销的社会环境现状分析

    Social Environmental Present Situation of Chinese Network Marketing

  13. 接下来从互联网发展现状和网民现状二个方向着手对我国中小企业网络营销的外部环境进行了分析。

    At the second step we conducted outside environment analysis of small and medium companies from network progress and network user two directions .

  14. 在实施网络营销的市场环境下,能否克服这些障碍在激烈的市场竞争中占得先机,关键取决于企业所制定实施的网络营销策略是否正确;

    The key point how to get the first place in vehement competition under overcoming the difficulties lies in the correct marketing strategy .

  15. 因此,在网络营销的新环境下,探寻我国企业网络营销中的物流配送问题就显得尤为重要。

    Thus , in the new environment of network marketing , network marketing for enterprises in our country the logistics distribution problems are particularly important .

  16. 第三部分对中国中小型制造业开展网络营销的市场营销环境进行了分析。

    The third part 's analysis has aimed at the marketing environment in which Chinese middle & small-sized manufacture enterprises developing network marketing .

  17. 然后分析了农行湖南省分行网络金融服务营销的环境,在此基础上,对农行湖南省分行的网络金融服务营销总体战略、策略进行了改进设计;

    On this basis , it has redesigned network financial service marketing general strategy and stratagem of Hunan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China .

  18. 第二章通过对网络时代下房地产营销环境、房地产营销理论以及房地产网络广告优势三个方面的分析,论证了网络广告是房地产营销发展的必然趋势。

    Chapter Two analyses the real estate marketing environment , the real estate marketing theory and the advantages of the network advertisement under the Internet era , to prove that the network ads is the inevitable development trend of the real estate marketing .

  19. 并针对己内酰胺产品竞争战略实施的具体情况,从构建一体化质量体系、加强网络建设、改善营销环境和人力资源四个方面提出了战略实施的保障条件。

    According to analysis result , we bring forward a strategic competition plan for Baling Company , and aim at the situation of the strategy execution , put forward the grantee condition of strategy from constructing HSE system , enforcing net construction , improving management environment and manpower resource .

  20. 网络营销是适应信息技术发展和社会化网络营销环境的新生事物,必将成为企业未来重要的营销模式。

    Internet marketing which emerges newly must adapt to the development of information technology and social internet marketing environment , and it will become more important in the future .

  21. 本文阐述了数字图书馆网络信息营销的内涵,通过对数字图书馆网络信息营销的环境分析,提出数字图书馆网络信息营销的策略和未来发展方向。

    This article expounds the connotations , analyzes the conditions and puts forward the strategies and the developing orientation in the future of the digital library 's networks information marketing .

  22. 文章首先从网络营销的概念和特点出发,介绍了网络营销与电子商务的联系与区别,提出了本文所要研究的问题&网络营销环境下的顾客忠诚;

    First , beginning with the conceptions and features of internet marketing , the article not only states the differences and connections between internet marketing and electronic commerce , but also introduces the subject of this research , i.e. , the customers ' loyalty under the environment of internet marketing .