
  • 网络Network teaching;internet;e-learning;online learning;moodle;WBI
  1. 本文的主要内容是研究语义Web环境下的知识表达、本体构造、查询推理和基于语义Web的网络教学问题。

    The main content of the dissertation is to research the knowledge representation , Ontology 's construction , search & inference in the Semantic Web field and e-Learning based on the Semantic Web .

  2. 在需求分析的基础上,系统选用Moodle作为系统开发平台,针对网络教学系统的功能模块提出了具体设计思路和功能流程。

    In the basis of the requirements , the E-learning system choose Moodle as its platform , puts forward specific design ideas and function flow .

  3. 小学英语网络教学经验交流会在白鹤小学举行。

    An English experience exchanging meeting of primary school were held in white crane primary school .

  4. 并由此开发出一个基于WEB方式的网络教学支撑平台。

    And develop a WEB-based teaching system support platform from this .

  5. 基于Web的网络教学平台的建设与研究

    Based on Web Network Teaching Platform Construction and Research

  6. 基于Web的网络教学对传统教学设计的影响与促进

    The Influence and Promotion of Network Education Based on Web on Traditional Education

  7. 网络教学中Web数据访问存在的问题及其优化

    Problems and Optimization of Data Access on the Web in the Web-based Teaching

  8. 基于Web服务的网络教学系统的研究

    The Research of Web-Based Education Based-on Web Services

  9. 基于Agent的信息检索课程网络教学系统设计

    Construction of the teaching mode of information retrieval course based on Agent

  10. WEB挖掘优化个性化网络教学

    WEB Mining Optimizing Individualized Network Teaching

  11. 网络教学中的Agent系统设计

    Design of the Agent System in Network Teaching

  12. 远程教育分两种形式,一是Internet网络教学形式;

    The tele education includes two forms : internet teaching and high wideband net visual teaching .

  13. 基于Web的C程序设计多媒体网络教学系统的设计研究

    The Research Of Multimedia Network Teaching System In " The C Programming Language " Based On Web

  14. 但是目前的网络教学系统还存在一些不足,例如Web环境下的个性化学习等。

    There are still some problems in the application of e-Learning , for example , the personalized learning under Web environment .

  15. 基于P2P的流媒体技术在网络教学上的应用

    Based on P2P Streaming Media Technology in Network Teaching Application

  16. 河北省高校基于Web的网络教学系统的建设思路与选择研究

    The Construction Way and Choice Research of Webteaching : the Web-based Network Education System for the Institutions of Higher Education in Hebei Province

  17. 文章首先讨论有关Agent的定义,进而提出了基于多Agent的智能网络教学系统的结构与实现模式以供同行讨论。

    This paper firstly defines the terms concerning Agent , and then puts forward the structure and model of applying the Agent-based Internet teaching system .

  18. 结果表明,基于Web的网络教学技术较好地克服了篮球裁判教学中的难点,取得更好的教学效果。

    The study result indicates : internet longdistance teaching system for basketball referee teaching is able to improve quality of basketball referee teaching and acquires better teaching effect .

  19. 为此,本文主要研究如何将P2P技术应用到多媒体网络教学系统中,构架一个平台,使师生之间能够方便的交流协作。

    Therefore , this paper mainly studies how to apply the P2P technology in the multimedia teaching field .

  20. 基于MPEG-4的主从式多媒体网络教学系统设计

    Design of master-slave multimedia network teaching-learning system based on MPEG-4

  21. 本文重点就卫星IP数据接收技术及卫星IP数据接收在学校网络教学中的应用作了具体的论述。

    Below the author states the detail application of IP digital technology and its incept system to the network teaching at the campus .

  22. 基于Web的网络教学平台是开展网络化学习的基础环境,它为教师、学生和教学管理人员提供一个学习和工作的网络环境。

    Internet teaching platform based on Web is a basic factor for internet-learning and can provide for teachers , students and managerial staff a study and work internet environment .

  23. 针对传统智能网络教学系统在情感教学方面的缺陷,基于人工情绪技术提出了一种Web环境下的智能情感网络教学系统结构。

    The traditional intelligence network tutoring system can 't implement affective tutoring , in order to overcome this limitation , this paper proposed an intelligent affective network tutoring system structure based on the Web .

  24. VFP网络教学理念与教学方法的研究

    VFP Network Teaching Concepts and Teaching Methods

  25. 服装CAD远程网络教学系统不仅实现了静态Web页面的浏览,还实现了动态的、交互的Web页面,是一个功能齐全、内容详尽、资料丰富的服装CAD技术教学网。

    Apparel CAD distance education network not only realizes static web page , but also realizes dynamic , interactive web pages , and is an apparel teaching website with detail content and abundant data .

  26. 采用基于Moodle架构技术实现网络教学系统的设计和开发。

    Based on Moodle architecture technique the author developed a network teaching system .

  27. 结合首师大虚拟学习社区网络教学支撑平台,提出了一个基于联机分析技术(OLAP)的教学诊断与评价模型。

    This paper presents a suggestion of the diagnosis and evaluation model that is based on on-line analytical processing ( OLAP ) .

  28. 采用P2P技术构建的网络教学平台具有良好的健壮性、扩展性、负载均衡,闲置的资源得到使用,在网络教育的各个功能实现上优势明显。

    The e-learning pattern using P2P technology has a good robustness , scalability , load balancing . Idle resources could be used , the utilization of network had been improved significantly .

  29. 随着计算机技术及Internet技术的发展,网络教学凭借其信息量大、交互性强、不受时间和空间限制等特点在教育领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of computer and Internet technology , network teaching is playing an increasingly important role in the field of education by its features of strong interaction , a large number of of information and regardlessness of time and space limits .

  30. 本文根据现代学习理论,在已有网络教学思想和模式的基础之上,运用现代网页技术、JSP技术、数据库技术等设计并实现了基于网络的在线学习辅助系统。

    According to modern learning theory , existing E-Learning theories and modes , we design an online aiding-study system integrating the state-of-the-arts technologies of web pages , JSP and database .