
  1. 本文试图利用CSCD对我校综合实力最强的第一临床医学院骨干教师梯队所发表的学术论文及被引用情况进行调查,以期得出某些有意义的结论,在此基础上对其进行评价。

    By making use of CSCD to investigate the academic articles and related citation in the first affiliated hospital of Harbin Medical University , some significant results are expected in this paper and further evaluation was made on the basis of them .

  2. 第四部分是对伊犁师范学院建立新型声乐教学模式的思路,其中包括声乐课程改、教师梯队建设、利用少数民族聚集地优势,增加特色教学三部分。

    The fourth part is the thought of establishing new education pattern in Ili Teachers ' college , including vocal music course revolution , improving teachers ' team quality , taking advantages of geography , adding characteristic teaching methods .

  3. 理想的教师学科梯队模式既要遵循一定的原则,又要具备必要的保障措施。

    The ideal pattern of the echelon formation is subjected to a certain rules and should have its own necessary measures to guarantee its development .

  4. 论高校教师的学科梯队建设

    On the Reconstruction of the Disciplinary Echelon of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions

  5. 当前我国体育院校网球师资的流动表现得很活跃,并形成一定的趋势,影响了网球教师队伍的梯队建设和重点学科教师队伍的建设,加剧了教师队伍的断层。

    Nowadays the flow movements are active in the teachers of sports colleges , and there is a tendency to influence the costruction of tennis members and the construction of main subjects members , increasing the faultage among teachers .

  6. 通过两年来课堂教学质量评估制度的实践,显示对提高教师总体授课水平和教师梯队的建设发挥了积极作用,同时也提出了进一步提高课堂教学质量的对策。

    A two years ' practice of the system shows that it has made positive contributions to the improvement of lecturing levels of the teaching staff . Meanwhile the system may also serve to offer countermeasures concerning further enhancing classroom teaching quality .