
  • 网络Education and culture;culture and education
  1. 试析近现代中日教育文化的阶段性发展

    The Staggered Development of Modern Sino-Japanese Education and Culture

  2. 中国音乐教育文化源远流长。

    Chinese musical education and culture traces its history back to ancient times .

  3. 占比最高,为30.8%。上半年人均居住消费支出2649元,占人均消费支出的比重为23.1%,人均消费支出占比仅次于食品烟酒。教育文化娱乐消费的增长最快,增速68.5%;遥遥领先于其他支出类别。

    Spending on education , culture and entertainment remained the fastest-growing area in per capita expenditures , with an increase of 68.5 percent year-on-year , far more than other sectors .

  4. 论先进文化中的教育文化建设

    The Development of Education Culture within the Scope of Advanced Culture

  5. 进一步加强中西方的教育文化交流;

    Exchange between oriental and occidental culture and education should be enhanced .

  6. 本质、内涵、路向:高职教育文化发展三个基点

    Nature , Connotation , Orientation : Three Basic Points in Development of Higher Vocational Culture

  7. 这就忽视和遮蔽了思想政治理论教育文化自身的内涵和逻辑结构。

    This neglect and obscured the ideological and political education and culture their own content and logical structure .

  8. 尤其是内在的教育文化环境对培养新时期的创新人才更是起着重要的主导作用。

    Especially internal educational and cultural environment plays an important and even leading part in turning out innovative qualified personnel .

  9. 高校思想政治教育文化环境是社会文化环境的重要组成部分。

    Cultural environment for ideology and politics education in colleges and universities is an important part of cultural environment in the society .

  10. 究其原因,总结了三个因素,即中国的大学生自信心的缺乏,中国的教育文化以及社会影响。

    The reason is summarized in three factors , that is . lack of self-confidence , Chinese education culture and social influence .

  11. 道德教育文化研究是一种文化自觉,包括文化诉求和文化关涉两种方式。

    Culture research on ethical education is a kind of culture consciousness , which contains two basic ways of culture requirement relationship .

  12. 教育文化事业的发展,为图书馆信息的服务造就更广大的用户群。

    The development of the educational and cultural causes will produce a large number of readers for the information service of the libraries .

  13. 学生家庭文化的影响具有率先性和持久性,主要通过学生家庭的教育文化和关系文化两个方面对师生关系发挥潜在的作用。

    On the contrary it , with its priority and continuousness , subtly influences teachers-students relationship through students'family education culture and relation culture .

  14. 教育文化是一个开放的论题,既有的研究已然不少,新的研究不断涌现。

    Culture of ethical education is an open proposition . As some research has already had a lot , fresh research continuously springs up .

  15. 匿名的身份往往使教师更乐于敞开心扉,倾诉真实的自我,塑造积极向上的教育文化。

    The anonymous appearance makes them happy to open wide their minds , tell a real self , and create a positive educational culture .

  16. 要建立一支良好的农村文化队伍,加强思想道德建设,发展教育文化,提高农民的文化素质;

    We should promote ideological and ethical progress and develop education and culture in rural areas so as to improve the cultural quality of farmers ;

  17. 学校教育文化疆界是有限且固定的,这是学校教育文化选择和文化传递的前提基础。

    The cultural boundary of school education is limited and fixed , which is the precondition for cultural choice and cultural transmission of school education .

  18. 建构学校职业伦理教育文化,是职业伦理教育的关键,而重塑企业伦理文化则是职业伦理教育的拓展和深化。

    It is of vital importance to construct the school VEE , while to reshape Corporate vocational ethics culture is to develop and deepen VEE .

  19. 教育文化主要指惯常的教育模式。

    Taking axiology and epistemology as two major dimensions , education culture has much effect on the formation of thinking style by means of regular education patterns .

  20. 再次,面对国际教育文化与本土文化传统之间的隔阂甚至冲突,我们需要寻找两者之间的平衡,以使当地教育更好的发展。

    And , to face the gap between western education theory and Chinese culture tradition , we need to reflect on educational localization and make local education a better development .

  21. 二是分析少数民族教育文化与民族教育发展的关系,以期揭示民族教育文化的现代命运。

    Secondly , we can discloses the modern times fate of culture of education of minorities by analyzing the relation between culture of education of minorities and development of minorities education .

  22. 于是,不仅中美之间的教育文化交流迅速加强,而且美国教育文化对中国的教育改革和发展产生了重大影响。

    Therefore , not only the educational and cultural communication between China and US has been intensified , but US education and culture had a great influence on the education reform and development in China .

  23. 中小学创新型教师的特质是创造精神生命(包括自我精神生命与学生精神生命的发展),引导先进教育文化发展方向。

    The basic characteristics of innovative teachers is to create spiritual life , including the development of their own spiritual life as well as students ' spiritual life , and to orientate the development of advanced culture .

  24. 中国汉语文教材文化是中国教育文化的重要分支,与中华文化一样古老,是传承中华文化,培养中华儿女的母体。

    As an important branch of the Chinese educational culture , the Chinese teaching materials culture , which is as old as Chinese culture , is the parent body that inherits Chinese culture and cultivates Chinese Sons and daughters .

  25. 文章论述了美国文化霸权扩张主义的历史基础和理论基础,着重探讨了美国通过经济技术援助、教育文化交流及大众传播媒介等基本方式进行文化霸权扩张的行径。

    The article discussed the historical basis and rationale of American cultural hegemony expansionism , focused on the United States ' behavior of economic and technical assistance , education and cultural exchanges and the mass media , and other basic forms of cultural dominant and expansive acts .

  26. 论教育对文化的选择

    Theories of Selection ; Plurality and Selection Culture Selection by Education

  27. 第二部分,阐述了生命教育的文化底蕴。

    The second part describes the culture deposits of life education .

  28. 市场经济文化的矛盾与心理教育的文化功能

    Contradictions of Market Economy Cultural and Cultural Function of Mental Education

  29. 信念、兴趣与制度&论中国高等教育研究文化

    Belief , Interest and Institutions & On Chinese Higher Education Research Culture

  30. 美国国际教育与其文化外交战略:1946-1966

    American International Education and Its Cultural Diplomacy Strategy : 1946-1966