
  • 网络educational form
  1. 分析了美育是一种相对独立的教育形态,美育教育存在于学科教学活动之中。

    This thesis analyses that aesthetic education is a relatively independent educational form and that aesthetic education exists in the teaching activity .

  2. 数学成果有发现时的原始形态、教科书上的学术形态以及教学中的教育形态。

    Mathematic achievements exist in such forms as their original form , academic form in textbooks and educational form in teaching process .

  3. 数学有3种形态:原始形态、学术形态、教育形态。

    Mathematics has three states primitive , academic , and educational .

  4. 数学教育形态的“缄默知识”与“显性知识”的连接

    Connection of Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge in Mathematics Educational Forms

  5. 论当代我国教师教育形态转换的路向

    On the Transformation of Contemporary Teacher Education Form in Our Country

  6. 和谐社会与教育形态的嬗变

    The Transmutation of " Harmonious Society and Education Form "

  7. 数学教育形态的形成机理与结构特征探讨

    Formation Mechanism and Basic Characteristics of Educational State of Mathematics

  8. 数学的文化品位和教育形态

    The Culture Status and the Educational Appearance in Mathematic

  9. 简论学校三种道德教育形态

    On Three Forms of Moral Education in School

  10. 其结果必然形成一种全新的教育形态&信息化教育。

    The reform will result in a brand-new form of education – informationalized education .

  11. 教育形态的转变;

    Second , change of education form ;

  12. 对学龄前语言障碍儿童,适宜采用一体化的教育形态,将他们安置在正常教育机构与普通儿童一起接受教育。

    Preschool language disordered children were placed in the kindergarten and given education with ordinary children .

  13. 学徒制被认为是最古老的职业教育形态,但却拥有巨大的生命力。

    Apprenticeship is seen as the oldest way of vocational education , but it has enormous vitality .

  14. 经济社会发展、传媒手段改进,使教育形态发生变革。

    Both the development of economic society and the improvement of spreading media have changed our educational formation .

  15. 作为传统高等教育形态,科举制早已退出了历史舞台;

    The imperial examination system as the traditional higher education form , has already withdrawn from the historical stage .

  16. 20世纪迅速发展起来的信息技术正在改变传统的教育形态,计算机和网络以超乎常人想象的速度渗透进了社会生活的每一个角落,而且正在快速而全面地与教育相融合。

    The article demonstrates that the information technology developed rapidly in the 20th century is changing the traditionally educational formation .

  17. 通过对西周音乐教育形态的研究可以发现,德艺并构是西周音乐教育的最重要的一个闪光点。

    Based on the music system education we can find that " the combination of morality and art " is one of the most important flash points of the Ritual System .

  18. 并认为数学化、形式化与非形式化、知识的学术形态与教育形态、形式与实质、合情推理与演绎推理、数学地思考与数学建模等为数学教育学的基本范畴。

    So it is put forward that formalization and in-formalization , form and essence , academic morphology and educational morphology of knowledge , empirical reasoning and deductive reasoning , mathematically thinking and mathematics modeling are basic categories of mathematics education .

  19. 网络教育形态下,传统教育体系课的概念、课程概念、教材的概念以及学习的动态评价与管理等诸多方面将产生根本的变革。

    The web - based education form arouses the basic change and influences on the concept o f ″ lesson ″″ course ″ and ″ teaching material ″ of the traditional education system and the dynamic appraisal and management of study , etc.

  20. 通过研究发现,新课改以来,我国学校体育的发展与我国教育形态的发展密不可分,学校体育改革变化随我国教育改革主流形态而变化,并不断更新,交替。

    The research shows that since the new curriculum , the development of Physical Education in Schools and Education form is inseparable from development , school reform and change in physical form with the mainstream of education reform and change and constantly updated , alternate .

  21. 在正式的职业学校产生之前,言传身教的学徒制逐渐成为知识、技术、文化传承的主要形式,它被被认为是最古老的职业教育形态,但它却拥有极其旺盛的生命力。

    Before the appearance of formal vocational school , the apprenticeship ( teaching by words and deeds ) was the main channel to deliver the knowledge , technology and culture . Apprenticeship is widely deemed as the oldest form of vocational education with its amazing vitality .

  22. 几种体育教育思想形态分析与展望

    The Analysis on Multi-formal Physical Education Ideologies and its Future Prospect

  23. 对高职教育的形态结构调整,提出要适应区域经济变化所需的多种教育形式。

    The structure adjustment of vocational education should take multiple modes to face the regional economic changes .

  24. 学校病理产生驱动力,驱动学校成员产生远离学校原有教育实践形态。

    School pathology mainly produces drive and pushes the school members to keep away from current education practice .

  25. 职业教育存在形态指人们外在感知到的职业教育的表现形式。

    The existing form of vocational education refers to the form which can be perceived externally by people .

  26. 本文提出了知识经济时代教育的形态必然改变。

    This paper outlines the necessity for the change of the educational form in the era of knowledge economy .

  27. 国内建筑学教育强调形态设计,在城市地域环境的层面上也突出以建筑空间塑造为核心的设计模式。

    Chinese architectural educational system always takes the formation design at the first place . The design mode emphasizing the architectural space creation is also carried out on the level of the urban regional environment .

  28. 教育规模初具形态,特色形成;

    It has a basic education 's dimension and characteristic .

  29. 试论远程教育实践教学形态的构建

    Thoughts on the Construction of Teaching Model of Distance Education

  30. 现代远程教育的现有形态和未来趋向

    Form & Tendency of Modern Long - Distance Education