
jiào yù ɡé mìnɡ
  • Educational revolution;revolution in education
  1. 21世纪,互联网引发了一场深刻的教育革命,社会需求的变化演变为对教育变革的内在需求。

    In the 21st century , the Internet led to a profound revolution in education , and social needs change into the internal demand of education reform .

  2. 编写新教材,是教育革命的一个重要方面。

    The writing of new textbook is an important aspect of educational revolution .

  3. 换句话说,中国目前所亟需的是一场商科教育革命。

    In other words , what is needed is a business education revolution .

  4. 信息技术正引发一场教育革命。

    Information technology results in educational revolutionary .

  5. 这就是即将来临的教育革命。

    That is the coming education revolution .

  6. 其次,分析进行教育革命的原因;

    Secondly , it analyses the reasons to carry out " the Education Revolution " .

  7. 高科技与新的教育革命

    High Technology and New Educational Revolution

  8. 首先,对教育革命口号的由来作一概说;

    Firstly , this chapter outlines the development of the slogan - " Education Revolution " .

  9. 1958年教育革命论略

    On Educational Revolution Theory in 1958

  10. 呼唤中国教育革命

    Call on China Education Revolution

  11. 李区示范在美国本土带起一波科学教育革命的高科技拟真娃娃。

    Leach demonstrated high-tech , anatomically correct manikin babies that are revolutionizing domestic science curricula in the US .

  12. 多媒体技术引起了教育革命,教师的角色自然发生了变化。

    The multimedia technology has caused the revolution of education , consequently the role of teachers is changing greatly .

  13. 但这种教育革命也有不利的一面:它有可能摧毁大学的经济模式。

    But there is a downside to this revolution , too : these trends have the potential to devastate universities ' economic models .

  14. 文章重点论述了福建教育革命中复课闹革命和开门办学新体制的主要内容。

    The article expound especially the main contents about " resuming revolution in classes " and the new system of " opening-door schooling " .

  15. 中国的教育革命于20世纪20年代从传统文化与教育方式走向了现代科学和现代教育相结合的道路。

    In the 1920s , Chinese education revolution has developed from the traditional culture and education into the combination of modern education and modern science .

  16. 互联网络的发展将带来一场深刻的教育革命,它的影响不仅是受教育者,还包括教育者。

    The development of internet will bring forth a profound education revolution , which influence not only is those who enjoy education , but also educators .

  17. 这一时期的教育革命,是一教育改革、跃进发展的时期,但教育的改革、跃进发展并没有带来良好的结果。

    The three-year-time of the " Education Revolution " is a time of reform and " great-leap " development . But it hadn 't brought out good results that people expected .

  18. 如果说互联网正在引发一场高等教育革命尤其是商学院的革命,那就应该是迫使人们思考如何使用课堂,而非是否需要课堂。

    If the Internet is causing a revolution in higher education , and in business schools in particular , it 's in prompting a discussion about how we use classrooms , not whether we need classrooms .

  19. 随着经济时代和信息化社会的到来,以及由此带来的世界范围的教育革命,社会对教育的需求越来越多,对教育的质量要求越来越高。

    With the arrival of economic era and information-based society , and the educational revolution of the world range brought from this , there are more and more demands for education as well as increasingly high expectations for quality of education .

  20. 随着世界多极化和经济全球化趋势的发展,各国竞争日趋激烈,各种思想文化相互激荡,各国进入了新一轮的教育革命。

    With the development of world multipolarization and economic globalization , competition among countries grew more and more fiercely . Confronted with interaction of different thoughts and cultures in the world , every country enters a new period of education revolution .

  21. 以信息媒体为代表的多媒体教学环境的迅速发展,孕育着新的教育革命,这也是信息化社会,知识经济在教育领域的必然反映,也是教育发展的客观要求。

    The rapid development of multi-media teaching environment on behalf of information , meant to the revolution of education , this is the information society , the reflection of knowledge economy in education field , but also an objective requirement for the development of education .

  22. 教育革命中知识分子遭受严重迫害导致教育质量严重下降的事实说明,要发展教育必须尊重知识、尊重人才,当代教育发展必须树立以人为本的思想。

    The fact that intellectuals being persecuted in educational revolution which leads to the seriously dropping of the quality of education comments that we must respect knowledge and talents in developing education . The thought of " basement on people " must be established in contemporary educational development .

  23. 建构主义被誉为当代教育心理学革命。

    Constructivism is one of the contemporary Educational Psychology revolution .

  24. 资产阶级革命派,将学校教育和革命事业联系在一起,培养出大量女革命者。

    The bourgeois reformists combined school education with the career of revolution , and groomed lots of female revolutionists .

  25. 二是学校文化自觉有助推进教育教学革命,促进教学质量的全面提升。

    Secondly , school cultural consciousness helps propel teaching reform and foster the comprehensive promotion of the teaching quality .

  26. 目前世界正面临着一场革命:学习的革命,教育的革命。

    Nowadays , the whole world is facing a revolution which is called learning revolution , or called intellectual revolution .

  27. 红色旅游是由有组织的爱国主义教育和革命传统教育活动孕育而成,并在近年迅速发展起来的一种特殊的旅游产品类型。

    Red tourism was derived from organized patriotism and revolutionary education and developing rapidly as a special kind of tourism product in recent years .

  28. 因此,与许多人的预测不同,高等教育在线革命的影响力或许更大,但也可能更小:作为新教学法诞生的推动力量,它将产生巨大的影响;

    So the online revolution in higher education will be both bigger and smaller than people think : big as a driver of new teaching methodology ;

  29. 教育要革命的主要内容是把功利教育转变为素质教育和终身教育,真正实现教育面前人人平等;

    The main content to revolutionize education is to turn utility education into quality education and lifelong education for truely realization of all equals in the eyes of education .

  30. 你当前的教育由革命党在这个积极的态度,你将获得更多的帮助,从你的导师比找一个被动的角色,并将实现你的目标和结果得更快。

    By approaching your ongoing education in this proactive manner , you will get far more help from your mentors than taking a passive role , and will achieve your goals and outcome faster .