- reclaim wasteland;land reclamation;open up wasteland;reclaim virgin soil;bring wasteland under cultivation;open up virgin soil

[reclaim wasteland;reclaim virgin soil;open up wasteland] 将荒芜的土地开垦出来
Mr. Ang noted that under the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act , Singapore-listed companies involved in illegal land clearance in Indonesia can be sued in civil court for causing financial losses to businesses and individuals .
However , the original ecological environment had been destroyed heavily .
The second segment is chiefly about the process of lords ' colonization eastwards .
Find a weak spot and exploit it .
Research on Farm Tools of Reclaiming and Cultivation From the Angle of the Ancient Chinese Characters
The third chapter describes the second reclamation and the sprout of capitalist productive relationship in Germany .
The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .
Make the Most of Climate Resources and Develop Energetically Wasteland Reclaiming and Ditch Digging for Sugarcane Planting
He strived to develop agricultural production in the north by reclaiming wasteland and developing water conservancy .
The first segment is about the reason for reclamation : Agriculture production gradually becomes the principal activity .
And accelerate modern soil erosion and sediment increase mainly from human activities of vegetation destruction and reclamation .
Human factor include excessive population , excessive reclaim , overgrazing , unreasonable water resource use and policy mistake .
And it explains the phenomena of Dong Libo and his Reclamation Literature from the view of artistic creation and humanity torment .
This single invention made possible the settling of the west much sooner and more efficiently than it would have occurred otherwise .
In the early period of 20th century , the western plant hunter F. Mayer , botanical explorer H. Smith , foresters Norman Shaw and W.
Therefore , during the war of resistance against Japan in the nationwide reclamation movement , Shaanxi province reclamation have very important status and influence .
The third part mainly summarized Shaanxi province reclamation movement development course , from the start the prevalent reclamation and specific procedures to discuss two aspects .
The recent inflow of capital has provided a cheaper source of credit for the development of frontier regions , but has also brought important know-how .
At the same time , the Qing government continued to migrate capital banner to the northeast for reclamation and competition for resources with the displaced persons .
The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .
The first segment is about the causes of the increase of population and the rise of the price on crop that makes reclamation spring up again .
Increased population , quick increasing water demand , over cultivating wasteland and grazing , slash woods and digging etc have accelerated the course of soil degeneration .
Developing farmland was closely associated with the Qing dynasty 's policy to encourage the development of wasteland , but human factors were decisive ones in the process .
The optimal planning of distribution system ( including design for new residential developments and expansion for old districts ) is a very complicated nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem .
″ Dahuaishu emigration ″ was an important emigration in Chinese history . It was the representation of encouragement policy on cultivating barren land in early years of Ming Dynasty .
However , the frequent human activities such as denudation , over-hunting , pollution , fire and so on have causedvast loss of biodiversity , and are reducing the biodiversity greatly .
In Northeast china , woodblock printing was first used to describe the life of exploration to document in the wastelands , and then to document social organization and daily life .
However , due to over reclamation of the land , Hunan became an area suffered from unprecedented natural disaster as well as a fast growing region with abundant corn production .
Thick haze from forest fires set in neighboring Indonesia to clear land for agriculture has blanketed this island state for weeks , and has spread to Malaysia and southern Thailand .
The second chapter discusses the second reclamation and the development of German economy in the city . The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death .