
  1. 第二节,第二次垦荒运动的经过:主要向东部殖民。

    The second segment is chiefly about the process of lords ' colonization eastwards .

  2. 第三章:论述第三次垦荒运动与德意志资本主义生产关系的萌芽。

    The third chapter describes the second reclamation and the sprout of capitalist productive relationship in Germany .

  3. 第一章:论述第一次垦荒运动与法兰克王国采邑制的发展。

    The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .

  4. 第一节,第一次垦荒运动出现的原因:农业生产日渐成为进入西欧的日耳曼人的主要社会活动:战乱减少,人口增长,需要土地;

    The first segment is about the reason for reclamation : Agriculture production gradually becomes the principal activity .

  5. 因此,抗战时期在全国范围内展开的垦殖运动中,陕西省垦荒运动有着非常重要的地位与影响。

    Therefore , during the war of resistance against Japan in the nationwide reclamation movement , Shaanxi province reclamation have very important status and influence .

  6. 第三部分主要概述了陕西省垦荒运动的发展情况,分别从全省的垦荒情况与具体办理程序两个方面来讨论。

    The third part mainly summarized Shaanxi province reclamation movement development course , from the start the prevalent reclamation and specific procedures to discuss two aspects .

  7. 第三节,第一次垦荒运动对法兰克王国所产生的影响:促进了采邑制的发展,为封建制度的形成奠定了基础。

    The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .

  8. 第一节,第三次垦荒运动出现的原因:人日增长湘食价格上涨。

    The first segment is about the causes of the increase of population and the rise of the price on crop that makes reclamation spring up again .

  9. 第二章:论述第二次垦荒运动与德意志城市经济的发展。第一节,第二次垦荒运动出现的原因:人口激增;

    The second chapter discusses the second reclamation and the development of German economy in the city . The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death .

  10. 除去绪论部分,第一部分对陕西省垦荒运动时期的国内环境以及省内状况进行了概括。

    Remove the introduction part , the first part of the Shaanxi province reclamation in the historical background of the rise of the reclamation , period of domestic environment and provincial status are summarized .

  11. 第二部分是从陕西省垦务委员会的角度,通过对其相关政策法令的分析,从中归纳总结出陕西省垦荒运动时期具体的垦殖操作办法。

    The second part is from Shaanxi province reclamation Commission perspective , based on the relevant laws and regulations the promulgation and the implementation , from which summed up the reclamation reclamation operation method .

  12. 民国政府1939年开始在和田地区大力推行垦荒运动,至1944年主要农业区六县耕地面积平均增长103.7%;

    In 1939 , local government of the Republic of China started to push agricultural reclamation movement vigorously , till 1944 in the main agricultural region in six counties cultivated area increased by an average of 103.7 % a year .

  13. 第四部分是以陕西省垦荒运动中三个典型垦区的开发来分析陕西省垦荒运动的发展情况,希望能从这三个不同垦区的发展状况来进一步了解陕西省垦荒运动的实施情况。

    The fourth part is the Shaanxi province reclamation in three typical reclamation area development of Shaanxi province reclamation development , hope from the three different reclamation area development to further the understanding of the implementation of Shaanxi province reclamation .