
The second segment is chiefly about the process of lords ' colonization eastwards .
The third chapter describes the second reclamation and the sprout of capitalist productive relationship in Germany .
The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .
The first segment is about the reason for reclamation : Agriculture production gradually becomes the principal activity .
Therefore , during the war of resistance against Japan in the nationwide reclamation movement , Shaanxi province reclamation have very important status and influence .
The third part mainly summarized Shaanxi province reclamation movement development course , from the start the prevalent reclamation and specific procedures to discuss two aspects .
The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .
The first segment is about the causes of the increase of population and the rise of the price on crop that makes reclamation spring up again .
The second chapter discusses the second reclamation and the development of German economy in the city . The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death .
Remove the introduction part , the first part of the Shaanxi province reclamation in the historical background of the rise of the reclamation , period of domestic environment and provincial status are summarized .
The second part is from Shaanxi province reclamation Commission perspective , based on the relevant laws and regulations the promulgation and the implementation , from which summed up the reclamation reclamation operation method .
In 1939 , local government of the Republic of China started to push agricultural reclamation movement vigorously , till 1944 in the main agricultural region in six counties cultivated area increased by an average of 103.7 % a year .
The fourth part is the Shaanxi province reclamation in three typical reclamation area development of Shaanxi province reclamation development , hope from the three different reclamation area development to further the understanding of the implementation of Shaanxi province reclamation .