
  • 网络Reclamation rate;recla mation ratio
  1. 基于GIS的黄土高原土地坡度构成及垦殖率地域分异研究

    Land Gradient and Reclamation Ratio on Loess Plateau Based on GIS

  2. 贵州从江县地形零碎,山高坡陡,熟田较少,垦殖率很低。

    With high mountains and steep slopes , Congjiang County has little fertile land .

  3. 全县难以利用的土地面积大,垦殖率低。

    The land difficult to use is large and the cultivation rate is low in the county .

  4. 其后文章对时间断面下的土地垦殖率和人均耕地进行分析,总体显示本次修订是较为可信的。

    Based on the analysis of land reclamation rate under time series and per capita arable land , it proved the authenticity of this revision .

  5. 近代黄河三角洲是山东省土地垦殖率最低,土地后备资源最丰富的地区。

    The recently-formed delta of the Yellow River is the region where there are the lowest rate of reclamation and the richest reserve land resources in shandong province .

  6. 琅岐岛综合土地利用年变率为1.90%,土地垦殖率呈快速下降趋势,林地覆盖率和建设用地利用率呈增加趋势;

    The annual change rate of comprehensive land use was190 % , the cultivation rate decreased rapidly , while the forest coverage and the construction land use rate increased .

  7. 然而,土地垦殖率与农业利用率低、水资源缺乏等问题制约该区生态农业的发展。

    However , the low rates of cultivation , low efficiency and water shortage in this area are the main factors , which are going to constrain local agriculture development .

  8. 这份公报指出,中国耕地利用程度高,目前垦殖率已达13.7%,超过世界平均水平。

    The report shows that the utilization rate of China 's arable land is high , with the current cultivation rate of 13.7 percent , surpassing the world average level .

  9. 在紫色土丘陵区由于生态环境脆弱,垦殖率高,坡耕地多等特点,水土流失比较严重。

    In the hilly area of purple soil due to the fragile ecological environment , the reclamation rate is high , many characteristics of slope land , soil erosion is more serious .

  10. 河流输少量与旱坡耕地垦殖率、人口密度成正比,与森林覆盖率、人均占有粮食成反比。

    The sediment discharge of rivers with cultivated waste land of dry farm , population density are indirect proportion , it with forest cover degree , per capita output of grain are inverse proportion .

  11. 对中国南方岩溶区石漠化现状及成因进行了分析,提出应采取降低土地垦殖率,优化产业结构、恢复植被、环境移民、提高人口素质等手段防治石漠化。

    The paper analyzes the present situation and cause of formation of desertification of karst areas in south of China , and it also pointed out some control measures of decreasing land planting rate , optimizing industry structure , restoring vegetation and improving people 's quality .

  12. 近几十年来,由于本区域森林植被遭到严重破坏,垦殖率不断增高以及对资源的不合理开发利用,致使长江上游地区生态环境日益恶化,水土流失不断加剧。

    In the past recent decades , the ecological environment and soil and water loss are more and more serious in the upper reaches of Yangtze river resulting from strong damage of forest and vegetation continuous reclamation of wasteland and unreasonable development and use of resource .