
  • 网络West Java;jawa barat
  1. 西爪哇地区副州长DedeJusef正在协调救援工作。

    Dede Jusef , the vice governor of West Java is rescue efforts .

  2. 患者为西爪哇万隆一名20岁男子。

    The patient is a20-year-old male from Bandung , West Java .

  3. 这些病例发生在西爪哇和万丹省。

    The cases are from Western Java and Banten provinces .

  4. 这2名妇女居住在西爪哇省的不同分区。

    The two women resided in different sub-districts of West Java Province .

  5. 新病例来自万丹和西爪哇省。

    The new cases are from the provinces of Banten and West Java .

  6. 该病例发生于来自西爪哇省打横县的一名15岁男童。

    The case occurred in a15-year-old boy from Tasikmalaya District , West Java Province .

  7. 第一例新确认的病例发生于西爪哇省一名67岁妇女。

    The first newly confirmed case occurred in a67-year-old woman from West Java Province .

  8. 第二起新确认病例为来自西爪哇茂物的一名23岁男子。

    The second newly confirmed case was a23-year-old man from Bogor , West Java .

  9. 西爪哇省副省长尤瑟夫正在救援行动。

    Dede Jusef , the vice governor of West Java is coordinating rescue efforts .

  10. 另外2例发生于西爪哇万隆的一名10岁女童及其18岁哥哥。

    Two additional cases occurred in a10-year-old girl and her18-year-old brother from Bandung , West Java .

  11. 第一例发生于西爪哇省东勿加泗一名5岁男童。

    The first case occurred in a five-year-old male from East Bekasi , West Java Province .

  12. 该病例发生于西爪哇省偏远的锡克雷特镇1名35岁妇女。

    The case occurred in a35-year-old woman from the remote subdistrict of Cikelet , West Java Province .

  13. 该病例发生于西爪哇省牙律县一个偏远村庄的1名9岁女童。

    The case occurred in a9-year-old girl from a remote village in Garut district , West Java Province .

  14. 美国通用将短暂重新开启在西爪哇省2005年关闭的一个工厂。

    GM of America will shortly reopen a plant in West Java that it had closed in 2005 .

  15. 来自印尼西爪哇省的阿里亚体重192公斤(约30英石)。

    Arya , from the village of Cipurwasari in the Arawang Regency , weighs 192kg - approximately 30 stone .

  16. 在西爪哇岛的万隆出生并长大的阿纳斯称,他为自己长相酷似奥巴马而感到幸运。

    Anas , who was born and raised in Bandung , West Java , said he feels lucky to resemble Obama .

  17. 第三例为西爪哇一名9岁女童,她于1月19日住院,并且自那时以来已经恢复。

    The third case is a nine-year old girl from West Java who was hospitalized on19 January and has since recovered .

  18. 最近出现症状的所有三例均居住在西爪哇,那里已报告发生鸟类中病毒活动重新开始。

    All three cases with recent symptom onset resided in West Java , where a resurgence of virus activity in birds has been reported .

  19. 我希望巽他(西爪哇)的年轻人,尤其是茂物人,学习热爱巽他文化。

    I hope that young people from the Land of Sunda ( West Java province ), particularly Bogor , learn to love Sundanese culture .

  20. 这些各种大小的鲨鱼照片拍摄6月21号的Karngsong鱼拍卖会上,位于印尼西爪哇省的Indramayu。

    Sharks of all sizes were photographed at the Karngsong fish auction on June 21 , in Indramayu , in Indonesia 's West Java Province .

  21. 西爪哇将对青少年实施夜间约会宵禁从10月1日起,禁止17岁以下的青少年晚上9点后约会。

    Java Teens Banned From Dating After Sunset As of October 1 , teens under 17 in West Java will have a dating curfew of 9pm .

  22. 迪基来自印度尼西亚西爪哇省,将和父亲一起生活在学校旁边的一间公寓里。

    Diki , who is from West Java , a province in Indonesia , will be living with his father in an apartment near the university .

  23. 官方称,重型挖掘设备已经前往受灾最严重的西爪哇。但是对于被困在倒塌建筑及山体滑坡中的数十名遇难者来说已经度过了营救时间。

    Authorities say heavy digging equipment is headed to the worst-hit areas of western Java , but time is for scores buried under collapsed buildings and landslides .

  24. 当被眼镜王蛇咬伤时,布儿正在印尼西爪哇一个名叫Karawang的村子里表演。之后她又继续演唱了45分钟。

    Bule was performing at a village in Karawang , West Java in Indonesia , when she was bitten , and continued to sing for another 45 minutes after .

  25. 其中两名护士护理了于5月22日在西爪哇万隆住院并于第二天死亡的兄妹,即一名10岁女孩和她的18岁哥哥。

    Two of the nurses cared for siblings , a10-year-old girl and her18-year-old brother , who were hospitalized in bandung , West java , on22 may and died the following day .

  26. 周一夜间,在印尼工作的一名法国公民不经意间进入了西爪哇省一处军事基地的范围,继而短暂被拘。此人表示他当时是在搜寻精灵。

    On Monday night , a French citizen working in Indonesia was temporarily detained after stumbling onto the grounds of a military base in West Java Province while searching , he said , for Pok é mon figures .