
  • 网络betula alnoides;Birch
  1. 西南桦人工林土壤质量变化及其苗期施肥效应与营养诊断

    Research on the Variation of Soil Quality of Alder Birch Plantation , Fertilization Effect and Nutrient Diagnosis of Its Seedlings

  2. 这一结果进一步表明西南桦在群体、个体上存在广泛遗传变异。

    This result indicates further that there exist broad inheritance both in populations and in individuals of Betula alnoides .

  3. 从西南桦提取的DNA已成功地用于RAPDPCR扩增和限制性酶切。

    The isolated DNA has been proved suitable for RAPD_PCR amplification and restriction digestion .

  4. 川西亚高山云冷杉林采伐迹地生态因子的变化我国西南桦的地理分布与适生条件

    The change of ecological conditions on the cutting areas in the West subalpine area of Sichuan Province

  5. 对云南热区的团花、山桂花、云南拟单性木兰、红木荷、西南桦、高阿丁枫、南酸枣7个乡土阔叶树种的种子采集与处理技术进行了研究。

    Experiments were conducted to study the technology of seed collection and treatment of7 indigenous broad-leaved tree species in tropical Yunnan .

  6. 西南桦和柞木的漆膜磨耗值质量等级为良,而红椎木材漆膜磨耗值质量等级为中;

    With regard to painting film wearing and consuming value of the three species , the quality grades are good , middle and good in order .

  7. 文章系统介绍了西南桦的生态和经济价值,地理分布及其生长特性与适生环境条件等生物生态学特性;

    In this paper , the ecological and economic value of Betula alnoides was systematically demonstrated as well as its geographic distribution , growth property and adapt ecological conditions .

  8. 表明西南桦和红椎人工林木材与柞木一样,是一种优良的实木制品用材,适用于制造高档家具与装饰用材等高附加值产品。

    This suggests that the three species are all such good materials for solid wood products that they are suitable for manufacturing high value – added products , such as furniture and decorative materials .