
  • 网络black-grass;Ramulus Euonymi;Black Island
  1. 我们滤出黑草汁莓做果栋。

    We strained the juice of the blackberries to make jelly .

  2. 添加物对黑小麦草青贮的细胞壁成分和体外干物质消化率的影响及其与小麦、黑麦草青贮的比较

    Effects of Additives on Cell Wall Constituents and in Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Triticale Silage , and Comparison with Those of Wheat and Rye

  3. 黑羚是食草动物,会随着找寻食物和水源的路线迁移,羚羊群的数目一般是几十只到上千只,由于黑羚喜爱食草,所以迁移路线会避开灌木丛及树林。

    They are grazers that migrate to look for food and water . The herds vary from dozens to thousands of members . Since they prefer grazing on grass , they avoid areas with shrubs and trees .