
  • 网络Dark and light;Darkness and light
  1. 黑暗与光明提供了适合每个玩家的丰角色扮演。

    Dark and Light offers a gameplay that adapts to each player .

  2. 于是黑暗与光明之间的大战开始了。

    And the great battle between dark and light began .

  3. 在黑暗与光明的第一版本中,领主将拥有并控制据点。

    Geraldine-Lords will take and hold strongholds in the first version of DnL .

  4. 声明:地图在黑暗与光明发行前都可能会进行修改。

    Disclaimer : The maps are subject to change before DnL is being released .

  5. 和其他在线游戏一样,黑暗与光明中的死亡不是永久性的。

    As in many online games , death in Dark and Light is not permanent .

  6. 包容了黑暗与光明。

    Holds darkness and light .

  7. 即使黑暗与光明的对立,也比不上他们的行动同他们的言语那样背道而驰。

    Darkness itself is no more opposite to light than their actions were diametrical to their words .

  8. 在黑暗与光明中。领导者远非只是简单的称号或者荣誉身份。

    In Dark and Light , leadership is far more than a simple title or honorary status .

  9. 黑暗与光明游戏中有三种类型的战斗模式:肉搏、法和射击。

    There are three types of combat in Dark and Light : melee , magic and ranged .

  10. 在黑暗与光明中,将会有珍稀的史前古器物。

    In Dark and Light , there will be rare artifacts that can be found and carried by players .

  11. 这些小怪物是世界同类的衍生品,没有新的能量,只有黑暗与光明的增益和减益效果。

    Trash mobs are derivatives of their world counter-parts with no new or fresh powers beyond the darkness and light buffs and debuffs .

  12. 恐惧,爱情和怨恨。因为这就是生活给我们的残酷讽刺。让我们注定在黑暗与光明中徘徊。

    For this is the cruel irony of life that we are destined to hold the dark with the light , the good with the evil .

  13. 在这里还是有些不明白黑暗与光明之间对抗本质的人,但是他们的内在开始活跃并且许多人现在已经觉醒。

    Where some have been unaware of the confrontation between the dark and the Light , there is a stirring within and many are now awakening .

  14. 通过这种主要,黑暗与光明已经形成了一种架构性的方法,那就是组织、引导、动员组成联盟军,以达到更多的联合意图。

    In this fashion , dark and light has created a structured way to organize , direct , and mobilize your joint armies to further your combined intentions .

  15. 我们现在处于一个称为“黑暗与光明融洽周期”的时期内。在此期间,人类将会经历极大的跃迁。

    We are now in a transition period called the'cycle of the merge of the dark and the light . 'during this time humanity is going through great transition .

  16. 那些面料,透明硬纱、丝绸和皮革,仿佛都是有生命的,不仅反映出历史,也在讲述她人生中的黑暗与光明。

    As if the material , the organza , the silk and the leather , was alive not only to history itself but to her own personal history , the dark and the light .

  17. 黑暗与光明的元素在我们每个人身上同时存在,善意或恶念的引发,有赖个人(或家庭、或社会)的决定。

    The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us , and then it 's up to the individual ( or the family , or the society ) to decide what will be brought forth - the virtues or the malevolence .

  18. 在这个叫做“蝴蝶效应”的杂技式多媒体表演中,传播了古老的信息,即黑暗势力与光明做斗争,邪恶与善良作斗争。

    And this acrobatic , multimedia performance termed " the Butterfly Effect " relayed age old messages of dark forces battling the light and evil versus good .

  19. 黑暗里的光明与光明里的黑暗(下)&诗人朱湘与顾城的比较

    The Light in the Darkness and the Darkness in the Light

  20. 两位中外作家不约而同地选取象棋为题材,通过小说中的人物表达了精神追求&反对黑暗与愚昧,向往光明与文明,崇尚自由与和平,表现出深刻的哲理批判和思考。

    The two authors , choosing chess as their subject matter , express their spiritual pursuit , that is , opposition against darkness and ignorance , against autocracy and war , longing and admiration for future , civilization , freedom and thought .