
  1. 哨兵止杈:你的脸皮也真是厚到一定程度了,上层精灵。

    Sentinel Stillbough : You show some nerve coming to Teldrassil , Highborne .

  2. 在实验过程中,上层精灵发现他们可以从容地用新发现的力量创造或毁灭。

    As their experiments progressed , the Highborne found that they could use their newfound powers to either create or destroy at their leisure .

  3. 坐落于永恒之井湖畔的辛-艾萨琳就是上层精灵贵族们打开通往扭曲虚空的传送门,召唤燃烧军团到艾泽拉斯的地方。

    Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity , Zin-Azshari was where the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth .