
fán rén
  • mortal;ordinary person
凡人 [fán rén]
  • (1) [ordinary person]∶平常的人;平庸的人

  • (2) [mortal]∶俗人

  • 凡人的麻烦永无终止

凡人[fán rén]
  1. 他说我看上去就不是个凡人,将来一定前程远大。

    He then said that I did not look like an ordinary person and that I would have a great future .

  2. 戏痴与凡人&《霸王别姬》、《梅兰芳》之比较阿根廷木本藤蔓植物,叶子有光泽,有漏斗形芳香奶油色花组成的总状花序。

    A crazy player with an ordinary person & Comparison of Farewell My Concubine and MEI Lan-Fang woody vine of Argentina grown as an ornamental for its glossy leaves and racemes of large fragrant funnel-shaped creamy-white flowers .

  3. 我只是个凡人,和其他人一样。

    I 'm only flesh and blood , like anyone else .

  4. 我们并不完美。我们只是凡人。

    We 're not perfect . We 're only human .

  5. 他们已不再是凡人,而是由神火融合在一起的两个精灵。

    They were not human any more , but two spirits united by a divine fire .

  6. 要超越凡人的欲望是不容易的。

    It is not easy to rise above ordinary desires .

  7. 让死去的人复活是凡人做不到的。

    It 's beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life .

  8. 经过5次尝试后,卡罗终于通过了驾驶执照考试&凡人毕竟皆有得意日。

    After five attempts Carol finally passed her driving test-after all , every dog has its day .

  9. 人们常说,凡人皆有得意日。

    Very often , people say every dog has its day .

  10. everydoghashisday凡人皆有得意日▷不要灰心,凡人皆有得意日。

    Don 't lose your hope , every dog has his day .

  11. n.人类,凡人adj.凡人的;致死的战役开始不久他就受到了致命伤。

    mortal He received a mortal wound soon after the battle began .

  12. 德里地区由凡人党(AamAadmiParty)执政,而警察机构则由联邦政府及领导该政府的人民党(BharatiyaJanataParty)管理。

    The Delhi regional government is run by the Aam Aadmi Party , and the police come under the federal government and its Bharatiya Janata Party .

  13. 根据系列改编的第一部电影《凡人圣物:白骨之城》(CityofBones)正在多伦多拍摄,明年夏天将由索尼影视公司(SonyPictures)推出。

    The first Mortal Instruments movie , city of bones , is shooting in Toronto and will be out next summer from Sony Pictures ( SNE ) .

  14. 网络技术入门,黑客营基础教学一(认证的入侵)按照上级领导的命令,凡人MM今天又要通宵了!

    Introduction to network technologies , hackers , the business of teaching basic one ( the invasion of certification ) in accordance with the higher-level command , MM mortals of today have to overnight !

  15. 发言人说道:我们都是凡人。所以,ATM机会极其偶然地发生这类钱放错栏的事情,于是也会惠及到一些极其幸运的顾客。

    The spokesman said : We 're only human , so on very rare occasions ATMs can be loaded with the incorrect cash which means a few lucky customers get more than they bargained for .

  16. 现在没有什么凡人能够伤害他们了。

    There was no mortal man who could hurt them now .

  17. 克罗索:这种力量不是凡人能达到的。克里费兰这人可很逗,罗达说。

    Clotho : This power was never meant for mortal hands .

  18. 但他终究也只是一个凡人。

    But finally , he is still a man of mould .

  19. 走凡人的路,让牛人们说去吧!

    Just follow the road for cattle people say to him .

  20. 其他人认为他们没有凡人的缺点或者远非凡人可以理解。

    Others see them as beyond mortal flaws or mortal comprehension .

  21. 凡人肉眼能看穿白云吗?

    Can one see beyond white clouds With the naked eye ?

  22. 你那衰老的生命,你那凡人的渴望,什么都不是!

    Your old lives , your mortal desires , mean nothing .

  23. 每个人终将一死因为我们都使凡人!

    All men are mortal , because we are all mortal !

  24. 我爱王侯将相,因为他们也是凡人。

    I will love the kings for they are but human ;

  25. 乡村是上帝的作品,城镇是凡人的产物!

    God made the country , and man made the town .

  26. 我们是凡人,而凡人远非十全十美。

    We are human and human beings are far from perfect .

  27. 诗人荷马认为没有凡人能与宙斯匹敌。

    The poet Homer believed that no mortal could rival Zeus .

  28. 普遍公平的梦想受阻于世俗凡人。

    Dreams of universal justice are obstructed by flesh and blood .

  29. 我当然会犯错误,我只是个凡人。

    Of course I make mistakes , I 'm only human .

  30. 行了吧你不过犯了一个错你也不过只是凡人

    Come on.You made a mistake . You 're only human .