
  1. 凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。

    A lot of this has to do with power and greed .

  2. 凡此种种,不一而足。

    Similar cases are numerous .

  3. 最后,格鲁伯总结道,凡此种种,都是拜iPhone所赐。

    All this , Gruber concludes , because of the iPhone .

  4. 凡此种种清楚地表明那是一件谋杀案。

    It all boils down to a clear case of murder .

  5. 凡此都是为了达到自给自足的目的。

    The purpose in all this is to achieve self-sufficiency .

  6. 凡此种种都加剧了文学期刊的生存困境。

    All of these have exacerbated the plight of the literary journals .

  7. 凡此四宿者,风起之日也。

    For these four are all days of rising wind .

  8. 凡此种种,组成了我的性取向。

    All of these things make up my sexual orientation , broadly understood .

  9. 凡此种种,都增加了美国企业的利润,并吸引了海外资金。

    All this has raised profits of American companies and attracted capital from abroad .

  10. 他勤勉、踏实、细心,才华过人,凡此种种都使他受到众人的夸奖。

    His diligence , eamestness , carefulness and brilliance make him praised by all .

  11. 凡此种种,都是教训。

    These are all lessons for us .

  12. 凡此均须依靠精打细算,生产自给。

    It all depends on strict budgeting and production for the army 's own needs .

  13. 凡此种种他都反对。

    He was anti all that .

  14. 凡此种种,便渐渐地有了对山的崇拜和对山神的崇拜。

    All these beliefs gradually aroused people 's worship for the mountains and the mountain gods .

  15. 凡此种种似乎证实了投资者长时间以来的怀疑:麦格理的增长已成为过去时。

    All this would appear to corroborate what investors have long suspected : that Macquarie is ex-growth .

  16. 凡此,体现了孟子责任思想的构成、维度与关切之所在。

    All of above , the paper reflects the composition , dimensions and concerns of the Mencius thought of responsibility .

  17. 凡此种种,都使我们既感自豪,也感荣幸。联合王国的责任即将转交中华人民共和国。

    In a few moments , the United Kingdom 's responsibilities will pass to the People 's Republic of China .

  18. 凡此,都是实行把群众力量组织起来的结果。他有鼓动群众的力量。

    All this comes from organizing the strength of the masses . He has the power to move the masses .

  19. 俄罗斯田径协会也表示,凡此次兴奋剂检测为阳性的运动员将不准前往里约。

    The Russian Athletics Federation said any athlete found to have used doping in previous years would not go to Rio .

  20. 凡此都寄寓着人们对美好生活的向往,故得以代代流传。

    All of these show people 's yearning for a better life , so they have been carried forward generation after generation .

  21. 凡此种种,均说明进口国不可忽视市场集中化推高价格的可能性,否则将面临危险。

    In these and other cases , the possibility that market concentration pushes up prices is one importers ignore at their peril .

  22. 凡此措施,无论如何,不得产生在不同种族团体间维持不平等或各别的权利的后果。

    These measures shall in no circumstances have as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate rights for different racial groups .

  23. 凡此种种,均系过去所犯错误、失败及不合理现象种下前因,以致有今日局势严重之后果。

    All this has its origin in past mistakes , failures and unreasonableness , and today 's grave situation is the consequence .

  24. 战争、危机、革命、竞争,凡此种种,英国社会经历着前所未有的危机与变革。

    Wars , crisis , revolutionary , competition , and so on , England was suffering from crisis and transformation it had never experienced before .

  25. 凡此种种,都阻碍了工商阶级的发展,使建立在封建残余基础上的专制政体得以苟延至今。

    These and other factors blocked the development of a merchant-industrial class and insured the survival of a despotic state cemented in the remains of feudalism .

  26. 凡此种种,都是道德与思想之意图的重要背景,做这样的豁显,将有助于此问题之厘清。

    , all these thus make up the important background for the Morality and Idea Pattern , the analysis of which helps clear up the basic issue .

  27. 凡此种种,都奠定了其在中国近代教育史,尤其是中国教育近代历程中的地位。

    All his thoughts and deeds laid the foundation of his position in the history of Chinese modern education , specifically in the modernization of Chinese education .

  28. 凡此种种,都对清代前期的社会产生了深刻的影响,也涌现出了一批具有远见卓识的杰出人物。

    All of the above had far-reaching impacts on the earlier stage of Qing Dynasty . And plenty of far-sighted prominent people also emerged in that period .

  29. 这里有中国风味的餐馆、中国式邮筒,甚至还有奇异的电话亭,形如宝塔。凡此种种,不费想象就令你恍若置身中国境内了。

    Here , with Chinese restaurants , Chinese post-boxes , and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas , it is easy to feel you are in China itself .

  30. 另外,命题专家受个人经验所限,未能反映考生群体的文化多样性,凡此种种原因都需要审核试题。

    Moreover , they can not reflect the diversity of culture because of the limitation of their personal experience . All in all , it is necessary of reviewing the items .